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    Naming the new media building


    In Thursday's meeting the VUC Board will decide on the name for the new media buliding. After the recent naming contest, the proposed name is the "Sivert Aarflot building". 

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    New case of Covid-19 in Volda


    On Wednesday August 26, a student at Volda University College was confirmed infected with the novel Corona virus (Covid-19). The student got infected after a trip to Bergen, where there has been a minor outbreak of Covid-19 in the student population.

  • Karen Lomeland Jacobsen, Solbjørg Nossen Leite, Inger Lise Kaldhol

    Students welcome to test for Covid-19


    The health authorities of Volda encourages students to make test-appointments if they suspect Corona infection. See where and how here!

  • Rokken – the heart of student Volda

    The best artists of Norway, friends for life, Wednesday Quiz, karaoke, music festivals, dancing, work experience, and a whoooooole lot more (the list itself could make this text seriously long!). It all happens at the student house Rokken.

  • - The freedom you get as a student is unique – enjoy it

    During the semester opening ceremony at Volda University College, the Minister of Research and Higher Education, Henrik Asheim, encouraged every student to appreciate the privilege of being a student. Both in terms of the social and academic aspects.