
  • Yoga in Berte Kanutte-huset

    Yoga for body and soul during exam period


    The “first aid for the exam period” week just started and many great events are going to take place during the next days. Among other things a yoga class with Inger Kristine. Especially in stressful and tense times, like the exam period, it is important to focus on yourself and to be able to slow down and relax.

  • Stuart Franklin

    Want a world famous photographer as your teacher?


    Through his lense, we’ve been given iconic pictures, known all over the world. He’s worked for Time Magazine and National Geographic. He teaches in London and Paris. And in Volda.

  •  Høgskuledirektør Karen Lomeland Jacobsen.

    Why do we have on-campus teaching at VUC


    Authorities and researchers are worried for students’ mental health in the wake of the strict Covid-19 measures imposed. To establish safe meeting places, to prevent isolation and to ensure good learning outcomes for our students is something we consider when we review the infection control measures, says VUC’s Crisis Management Board.

  • Sjukepleiarar ved Helsestasjonen for studentar

    Free health clinic for students


    In Volda, we have a free health clinic for youths and students (under 25 years old) located at the ground floor of the town hall (Volda Rådhus). Their opening hours are every Tuesday and Thursdag from 2 – 4.30 pm. No need to book an appointment, simply drop by if you want to!

  • Thumbnail

    Student exchange in spring not ruled out


    In line with the recommendation from the Ministry of Education and following the majority of other universities and colleges in Norway, Volda University College has decided to still open for student motility to partner universities in Europe for the spring semester of 2021. Student mobility outside Europe has been cancelled.

  • Margrete Danielsens film Pearl Diver

    Award for VUC student


    Margrethe Danielsen made an exclusive list when she got special mentions by the jury at the Animafest Zagreb. See the movie trailer here!

  • Surfers Paradise Australia

    Apply for student exchange in spring 2021


    VUC has still not made a final decision on student exchange for spring 2021, but we hope that it will be possible and therefore open for applications from interested students.