Students welcome to test for Covid-19

The health authorities of Volda encourages students to make test-appointments if they suspect Corona infection. See where and how here!

Karen Lomeland Jacobsen, Solbjørg Nossen Leite, Inger Lise Kaldhol

Head doctor of Volda Municipality, Inter Lise Kaldhol, met with the VUC leadership to discuss infection control measures and share the latest updates on the situation regarding Covid-19 in Volda. 

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The health authorities of Volda encourages students to make test-appointments if they suspect Corona infection.

- Not being a Norwegian citizen or being registred as an inhabitant of Volda is of course no obstacle for getting tested for Covid-19, says Inger Lise Kaldhol, doctor in Volda. 

- Do you feel unwell and suspect being infected by Corona, you simply call the Volda health center at +47 70 05 89 00 to get an appointment. We want as many people to get tested as possible, says Kaldhol. 

The rule of thumb is that anyone suspecting Corona infection, should get tested. Not sure if this applies to you? See test criteria for Covid-19 from the Norwegian health authorities.  

Seven days a week

There hasn't been any Covid-19 infection in Volda since March. Now, the test capacity increases, as well, Kaldhol told the management of Volda University College (VUC) when visiting before the official start of the semester and Buddy week. 

- We've been testing five days a week this summer, but we'll increase to seven days a week going forward, says Kaldhol. 

She also adds that she hopes no one feel ashamed or embarrassed, should they be infected. 

- And if someone tests positive for Corona, it's ok to know that we will try to trace the infection going back two days prior to the symptoms. So think about where you have been and who you have been with, encourages the doctor. 



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