Praise to the organisers of the Buddy Week

The VUC rectorate has been impressed with the Buddy Week and gave the organisers flowers and lunch for a job well done.

Fadderveka-styret og høgskuleleiinga

Fadderveke-leiar, Helena Heimer Rognstad, fremst til venstre og rektor, Johann Roppen, fremst til høgre saman med Fadderveka-styret og leiinga og tilsette ved høgskulen.

Tekst: Diam esse humo illum mos quadrum turpis validus Distineo ibidem jugis molior probo. Blandit elit immitto obruo occuro sit utrum voco.

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The VUC rectorate has been impressed with the Buddy Week and gave the organisers flowers and lunch for a job well done.

-We are very happy with the work of the Buddy Week board and wanted to give them something extra to show our appreciation, says VUC rector, Johann Roppen. 

Nothing more than a bruise

Rector Roppen gave each of the six board members of the Buddy Week 2020 a bouquet as a sign of gratitude and thanks for a job well done.

-You did well in prioritising student safety and infection control measures and then adapted events accordingly. Along the way you have rejected plans, performed risk analyses and made wise decisions. The Buddy Week should be synonymous with a safe start – and this has certainly been the case at VUC this year, says the rector.

There has been no reports of serious accidents or situations regarding the Buddy Week and semester start at VUC this year. 

-For this we are relieved and happy. There has not been any accidents or offenses reported. The only incident that came to our attention was a student with a bruise in need for an ice bag, and that must be considered within what’s tolerable, says Roppen with a smile.

Student satisfaction is the best reward

During the lunch, the Buddy Week board shared their experiences with the VUC rectorate. The organisers of the Buddy Week is always quite busy during and after the summer holidays, and the Covid-19 pandemic has added to this workload. 

-It has been a lot of work, but the best reward we could get is the positive feedback from fellow students saying that the Buddy Week has surpassed their expectations, says Helena Heimer Rognstad, leader of the Buddy Week board.

Together with the rest of the board, she enjoyed the good food and praise given by the VUC rectorate. On a day such as this, it is allowed to give oneself a pat on the shoulder.

-We are proud of what we achieved and for all the wonderful buddies we had during the semester start. The buddies really worked hard and gave of themselves. 

No students infected

So far, only one student at VUC has tested positive for Covid-19. This case was connected to the outbreak among students in Bergen and had nothing to do with the Buddy Week at VUC. 

-We are thankful for each day that passes without any Covid-19 infections on our campus and happy that the situation in our area and at our campus is under control, confirms a satisfied rector Roppen.

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