Semester start and Buddy Week with infection control measures
18th of August was official semester start at VUC, and this summer the preparations have been quite hectic – making sure infection control measures were of the highest priority when the students returned to campus.

Frå venstre: Rektor Johann Roppen, leiar i Studentparlamentet, Trym Rimmen, leiar av fadderveka, Helena Heimer Rognstad, prorektor Odd Helge Mjellem Tonheim, direktør Karen Lomeland Jacobsen.
18th of August was official semester start at VUC, and this summer the preparations have been quite hectic – making sure infection control measures were of the highest priority when the students returned to campus.
- We’ve worked continously and systematic on infection control measures since we decided to activate our Crisis management team this winter. Since universities and colleges were closed down 12th of March due to the Covid-19 virus, students and employees had to work from home until this summer, says Director of VUC, Karen Lomeland Jacobsen.
In June the schools opend up partly, and now everyone are allowed back – as long as infection control measures are followed. Lomeland Jacobsen understands people are concerned about safety.
1 meter apart, obligatory infection class
Together with the head of Buddy Week, Helena Heimer Rognstad, Rector Johann Roppen, Prorector Odd Helge Mjellem Tonheim and head of the Student Parliament, Trym Rimmen, she tells us about cooporation between the VUC management, the students and the responsible for infection control in Volda.
They work to be as prepared as possible, and to make sure all activity at VUC follow rules and regulations to prevent Corona.
- Teaching will be both digital and in classrooms. We’ve rented extra rooms to be able to set them up with one meter between students and extended the length of our school days to make sure people get to attend classes physically, says Lomeland Jacobsen. - It’s a puzzle, but we managed to complete it for the first months, and now we’re working on the next ones, planning for the one meter rule also going forward.
Stickers on the floor marking one meter, access to soap, washes, hand sanitizers and extra cleaning, are also measures VUC does to prevent infection.
- To be able to open our doors again, we are obliged to make our infection control measures known between our students and employees. So we sent everyone an e-mail with an obligatory, online «infection class». It’s the same one you’ll find on our web pages, under the Corona information. - Make sure to repeat it regularly, she encourages.
«Solidarity quarantine» and digital opening show
As other universities and colleges, VUC had to cancel student exchange this year. A small group of students from abroad will still attend classes. This is the Norwegian for foreign students-class and Master in Media Practices. They have their own routines which includes transport from the airport and own flats for living the first days in quarantine.
Employees returning from holiday abroad are encouraged to stay in quarantine for 10 days, regardless of the country they have visited being green. In this way, the crisis management of VUC are going even further than the goverment’s Covid-19 measures demands. – We call it «solidarity quarantine», says Lomeland Jacobsen.
Also the opening show at the semester start 18th of August had extra Corona measures. The show, ususally set on stage with all students as audience, were replaced with a digital alternative this year. The students were divided into several groups, taking turns watching the video and having separate areas and programs. This year, only the first year students came to the semester start, to keep the number of people down.
Buddy week in small groups – the big parties have to wait
VUC starts their semester one week later than a lot of the other schools. The experiences from other openings have been useful in the planning. Especially when it comes to Buddy Week, that has been a subject in media, with headlines on parties and bad infection measures control. The board of the Buddy week in Volda works day and night to make sure this will not be the case here.
- Firstly, we’ve cut the Buddy week in halv. The first week, the main focus is to get to know fellow students, the school and our new town. The second week and big arrangements we combine with a regular Buddy week will have to wait until the restrictions allows it, says Helena Heimer Rognstad.
She is head of the board, and she’s in a hurry – on her way to meet the responsible for infection control in Volda. They have gone through the program together and everything is approved. And the co-operation is key! Every Buddy should feel safe and know what to do, which measures to follow and what to do if they can’t keep it up. – Then we need to pull out the stop signs, says Heimer Rognstad.
Take care of our new students
Why the social program for new students is important, is a factor Prorector Odd Helge Mjellem Tonheim wants to get more into the limelight.
- We know the isolation during the period we had to work from home was hard on students, both mentally and for motivation. One of the most important tasks for Buddy Week is to take care of our new students, being young, new in town, maybe they don’t know anyone, and they are about to enter a new phase in their life. It’s more important to be there for them, create meeting spaces and help them form friendships now than ever before, Mjellem Tonheim says.
- And we promise to do everything in our powers making sure the students, the buddies and the people in Volda feel as safe as possible. We take this SO seriously, Heimer Rognstad says.
She and her fellow buddies recieves praise from the VUC Director: – They are doing an amazing job. I’m also happy for having the students as a part of the crisis management. They have been represented there all along, and we are grateful for the great co-operation!
Be responsible!
Now, everyone needs to contribute by being responsible: – Read the guide to our infection control measures. Keep your distance, wash your hands, stay home if you feel ill. And please remember, this is a 24-hour-task! Private parties can have 20 people, being one meter apart. Pay attention to help track infection, if necessary, the crisis management asks.
- By contributing to this, we hope everyone can have a happy and safe study life!