Becoming a student, and maybe move for the first time, one naturally has quite a lot of questions! Through these 10 tips, I hope I can answer some of them from you, writes PR student Veronika Svartvatn.
Volda University College (VUC) hosts the ITS Volda Conference April 20-21, 2021. ITS Volda is an international conference for teacher training students and this year's conference examines how schools and teacher education institutions have dealt with the pandemic and what we can learn from this.
Film Found, made by animation student Claudia Munksgaard-Palmqvist, has been nominated for the world's most prestigious festival for animated films. Yet again, a Volda student set its mark on the international scene.
Following the Norwegian Government announcing easing of Corona measures, on-campus teaching are allowed from Monday 19th of April. We will now return to the infection control measures from before the Easter holiday.
Norwegian Government has imposed new national regulations and recommendations from March 25th. For students and employees at Volda University College (VUC), this means digital classes, with some exeptions.
Do you fancy being more social and develop fun activities? Now you have the chance to apply for funding to organise social events under a new initiative called “Social spring” (Sosial Vår).
Master in Media Practices at Volda University College has exam productions that win international awards and the students themselves boast of the broad media subject environment where they learn from each other.