– Mental health month: More important than ever!

Want to have fun, meet other students and enjoy good coversations? The Welfare group arranges Mental health month at VUC from 9th – 31st of October.

Eli Anne Løksa og Lone Knutsen.

Tekst: Diam esse humo illum mos quadrum turpis validus Distineo ibidem jugis molior probo. Blandit elit immitto obruo occuro sit utrum voco.

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Want to have fun, meet other students and enjoy good coversations? The Welfare group arranges Mental health month at VUC from 9th – 31st of October.

– Free cinema, yoga, friendship café, speed friending, lectures, free lunch and hikes! And that’s not even all! Lone Ellingvåg Knutsen and Eli Anne Løksa are excited to share the program for Mental health month at VUC. 

They are part of the Welfare group, made up of people working with and for making the life as a student in Volda easier, safer and more fun. 

New «dugnad»

The Norwegian term «dugnad» (can be translated by people helping out together) has been used when it comes to Covid-19: Fighting the virus by everyone contributing to follwoing the guidelines. Now, there is need for a new «dugnad», where the Corona has made it more important than ever to contribute, says Lone and Eli Anne.

The virus creates distance, both physical and mentally. – We need to strengthen our community and work together to tighten the gap. In that image, we feel the Mental health month message fits perfectly, and is more important than ever! 

Increased lonleliness

Lone and Eli Anne both work counselling students, together with psychologist Vidar Myklebust. - The three of us all experience the word «loneliness» surfacing more and more in our conversations. Surveys shows us the same. We have lost places to meet in the Covid-19 period, and it is easier to feel alone. Students are a vunerable group in this sense, maybe especially new students with less of a network in the area. 

- We hope the activities during Mental health month can help creating new meeting spaces, friendships and the feeling of being part of something together. Openness, community feeling and curiousness are important key words, says Lone and Eli Anne. 

«Pay attention. Take an interest. Ask more» 

The subject of the world mental health day this year is: «Pay attention. Take an interest. Ask more.» The arrangement at Mental health month at VUC will reflect this. 

Friday 9th
11:45h Autumn café and kick off
Theme exposition at the library

Saturday 10th 
World mental health day
Opening of the rebus race by the river 
Lunch selection at Rokken
New episode of Podkrastinasjonen

Monday 12th 
19h Speed befriending 

Tuesday 13th
15h Workshop: Thinking virus part 1
18h Cinema: “Jojo Rabbit”

Thursday 15th
15h Workshop: thinking virus part 2
17h Yoga for body and mind
19h Friendships cafe

Tuesday 20th
18h Cinema: “Weathering with you”

Wednesday 21st
16h Stroll, bonfire and coffee with Natura
19h Friendships cafe

Thursday 22nd 
17h Yoga for boy and mind
19h Speed befriending 

Monday 26th
19h Friendships cafe

Tuesday 27th
20h Cinema: “King of Staten Island”

Thursday 29th 
17h Yoga for body and mind
19h Speed befriending

Read more at Facebook and sign up via Tikkio!

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