
  • Internasjonale studenter på Runde

    International students found gold on the norwegian coast


    A group of international students at Volda University College got their bags full of experiences when they traveled to Runde and fried elbow shells, tasted seaweed, almost took gold coins home with them and learned about Norwegian coastal culture.

  • Studentprisen Høgskulen i Volda

    Nominate your candidate for the Student Award 2022


    Do you know a student who has made an extra effort this year to improve the quality of studies? Maybe more students who in teams have been involved extra hard in a student organization or who have taken an extra involvement in your class to gather socially during the pandemic?

  • Thumbnail

    Condemns the Russian warfare


    Rector Johann Roppen of Volda University College says Volda University College is supporting the people of Ukraine and is strongly opposed to the Russian inflicted war upon Ukraine. He has written about this in his blog, and the text is also available in Ukrainian.

  • Konsert under VEKA i Volda

    What will happen in Volda in 2022?


    Students in Volda can enjoy a year that is filled to the brim with highlights! In 2022, it will not be difficult to find fun and important arenas to share good times with fellow students.

  • Berte Kanutte huset vinter 2016

    Easing up on the Covid-restrictions


    The Norwegian Government’s new Corona advice allows students back in the classrooms and a more normal campus life. Here are latest updates from the crisis management at Volda University College (VUC).

  • Fadderveka i Volda

    Apply to buddy week board


    Do you want to contribute to the buddy week at Volda University College in 2022 being completely magical? Then you can apply for one of your six positions on the sponsor week board until and including 14 February.

  • Sosialt for studenter på Rokken

    Celebrate Christmas with other students in Volda


    Studenthuset Rokken invites to a Christmas celebration for students who are left in Volda. On Christmas Eve, there will be fun, good food and a Christmas atmosphere – completely free!