Easing up on the Covid-restrictions

The Norwegian Government’s new Corona advice allows students back in the classrooms and a more normal campus life. Here are latest updates from the crisis management at Volda University College (VUC).

Berte Kanutte huset vinter 2016

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The Norwegian Government’s new Corona advice allows students back in the classrooms and a more normal campus life. Here are latest updates from the crisis management at Volda University College (VUC).

From February 1st, the students are allowed back in the classrooms. And the Norwegian Government also made own exceptions for in-classroom teaching: Although the advice for keeping our distance, and wearing a face mask if we can’t, still are on - teaching situations are not included for these measures. 

This makes in-classroom teaching easier in a larger scale. Following the news, the crisis management at VUC decided to maintain the plans for February – making it easier for both students and teachers: 

- Our plans for mostly in-classroom teaching in February was already made, including extra room - and we will stick to them. This also means that most gathering based teaching will stay digital through February. From March 1st we will go back to original plans for the semester. We are really looking forward to seeing the students, says Karen Lomeland Jacobsen, director at VUC and head of the crisis management. 

See the updated guidelines from the government here
The University College in Volda's Korona pages
Volda municipality's Korona pages
Tests available at VUC: Covid-advice for re-starting the semester in Volda

PS! As previously communicated, the written school exam for the spring of 2022 will continue to be digital.


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