See list of study plans starting on:

Norsk språk og samfunnskunnskap for internasjonale studentar (NIS)

Program of study: 
Norwegian Language and Civilization for International Students - Year Course
Level of study: 
Foundation level (bachelor’s degree level)
2 semesters
Number of students: 
Type of study: 
Year programme
Study mode
Admission and rating

To be accepted for the course, applicants must satisfy the general entrance requirements for Norwegian colleges. For applicants from some countries 1 - 2 years of university studies will be required. English proficiency must be documented at an upper secondary level. TOEFL-test or IELTS in English is not required, but strongly recommended. Knowledge of Norwegian language is not required at the entrance stage.Application before: March 1th


The emphasis of this study is on giving students good general capabilities in Norwegian language. The programme is also meant to make it easier for students to adapt to the Norwegian society. The study of Norwegian culture and civilization aims to give students the general overview they need when they begin their vocational studies. It is also meant to provide an insight into Norwegian social structures and the living conditions of Norwegians.

Learning outcome

After completing the course, the student will possess knowledge about- Norwegian phonetics, vocabulary and the grammatical structure in Norwegian language, equivalent to B2 (The European Framework for languages, CEF.)- how to write texts in Norwegian in their own special field of study- important facts and structures in Norwegian geography, governance, educational system, industries and welfare- important periods in Norwegian history, the history of Norwegian language and characteristic features of periods in Norwegian literature and art history- how to adapt to the Norwegian society. After completing the programme, the student is able to‑ speak Norwegian reasonably correctly with correct intonation- read and understand contemporary texts, literary texts, non‑fiction, and vocational texts‑ understand lectures in Norwegian and take down lecture notes‑ write Norwegian, in different genres, without serious errors and read texts at normal speed- reflect upon aspects of Norwegian mentality and culture General competence:The course aims to give students knowledge and skills necessary for studies at Norwegian colleges and universities.

Learning outcome knowledge

Studenten har

  • grunnleggende kunnskap om lydsystemet i norsk talespråk og tilstrekkelig kunnskap om vokabular, grammatiske strukturer i det norske språket (bokmål)
  • kunnskap om hvordan fagtekster skrives på norsk- kunnskap som gjelder viktige sider ved norsk geografi, styreform, utdanningssystem, næringsliv og velferd
  • kunnskap om viktige perioder i norsk historie, i språkhistorie og i norsk litteratur- og kunsthistorie
  • nok kunnskap til å finne seg til rette i det norske samfunnet.
Learning outcome skills

Studenten kan

  • samtale på norsk med rett intonasjon og rimelig korrekt uttale
  • lese og forstå tekster fra vår tid, skjønnlitteratur, sakprosa og fagprosa
  • forstå forelesninger på norsk og kunne ta forelesningsnotater
  • uttrykke seg skriftlig på norsk i ulike sjangrer, med tilfredsstillende morfologi, syntaks og vokabular
  • reflektere over særtrekk ved det norske samfunnet
Learning outcome qualification

Studenten har tilstrekkelig kunnskap og ferdighet i norsk språk og samfunnskunnskap til å kunne studere ved norske høyskoler og universitet.

Content structure

This program is a full time study over two semesters, course NIS101 in autumn and NIS102 in spring. A passed exam at NIS101 is mandatory in order to go on at NIS102. The study concentrates on two subject areas: Norwegian language and Norwegian civilization. The main emphasis is on Norwegian language, especially practical language skills. Teaching in civilization and culture has text reading as its basis, and is to the greatest possible extent coordinated with the teaching in Norwegian language.Teaching comprises from10-14 periods per week each term. Attendance is obligatory. Students with less than 80 % attendance will not be allowed to sit for the exams.The teaching programme gives instruction in bokmål.

Norsk språk og samfunnskunnskap for internasjonale studentar (NIS)
Norsk språk og samfunnskunnskap for internasjonale studentar (NIS)

Studenter som ikke har permanent oppholdstillatelse i Norge, har retten til å være student innskrevet i passet. Hvis datoen for denne statusen er utgått, kan ikke studenten ta eksamen på nytt (i henhold til § 5.7 i eksamensforskriften ved HVO).

Professional training


Students without a permanent resident permit in Norway, cannot sit for another exam in Norwegian if the permit awarding status as a student in the passport has expired (according to § 5.7 in The Guidelines for Exams at HVO).

The programme of study will be evaluated in accordance with the University College’s routines for quality assurance.

Hilde Osdal, 70 07 51 42, [email protected]