See list of study plans starting on:

Media, IKT og design

Program of study: 
Bachelor's degree in Media, ICT and Design
Level of study: 
Foundation level (bachelor’s degree level)
6 semesters
Number of students: 
Type of study: 
Study mode
Admission and rating

Higher education entrance qualification


The target group for the bachelor’s degree programme Media, ICT and Design are students with an interest for communicational, technical and esthetical aspects in using different media. The primary purpose of the programme of study is to educate competence mediators linking technique and content production, by offering a broad vocational education where theoretical, analytical, technical and practical approaches relating to media and communication in public sector, trade and industry are combined. The programme is particularly suited for students wanting to work with media-related tasks in high schools, or who want to be qualified for different projects in media production, media design or media communication in different sectors.The programme of study has a unique academic structure where students address both media’s function as social agent and intermediary, and how to communicate with different target groups.  Through theory and the production of different forms of media such as photography, film, multiple-camera set up, commercials, illustrations, sound, web and multimedia, the programme of study will provide you with pedagogical, aesthetic and technical competence in digital production in a social and converging media age. The programme of study may, in combination with other subjects or a minimum of two years vocational experience and an additional 1-year programme in educational theory and practice, qualify students to teach in academic institutions. 

Learning outcome

Knowledge The candidate in media, ICT and design will acquire knowledge: on media content and central tools in content analysis developed in media studies of how media affect socialization, shaping of identity and developments in society and academic institutions on central matters concerning technology in media and communication, theories and problems for discussion on traditional and new digital forms of presentation and communication, production and methods of development relating to single media and media elements such as text, sound and image combined in the use of media and communication technology in teaching and passing on information on specific perspectives in philosophy of science and research methods Skills The candidate in media, ICT and design knows how to: utilize his or her knowledge in media and communication technology when working with practical and theoretical issues, state the reason for his or her choices and analyse relevant forms of expressions employ relevant production methods, forms of expression and work practices when dealing with traditional and modern mediums, and media expressions containing elements from different subject areas and mediums function as a competence mediator in interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary projects and productions plan and be in charge of learning methods which include and use media and communication technology, and teach others about the field reflect on his or her own academic development and make use of tutoring when working on theoretical and practical assignments General competence The candidate in media, ICT and design: has insight into relevant ethical academic and vocational problems for discussion is able to plan and execute varied tasks and projects on his or her own, and as part of a group, according to ethical rules and guidelines is able to convey central subject matters such as theories, problems and solutions through relevant ways of expression can exchange views and experiences with others and thus contribute to the development of good practice

Learning outcome knowledge


Learning outcome skills


Learning outcome qualification


Content structure

After a joint first academic year, every student must choose a specialization in media design, media production or media development:Media production: The student focuses on visual media such as film, photo and multiple-camera set up production. Media design: Specializes in designing different mediums, and seek to strengthen students’ graphical eye and ability to channel this into creating different media products.Media development: Teaches students to programme and design websites and applications for mobiles or mobile web.The programme of study will initially cover all mediums, but in both the theoretical and practical parts of the study new electronic and web-based media will be emphasized. The field of study is quickly evolving and the programme is in constant need of revision. In addition to what is presented in the course table, students will be able to choose elective courses at VUC or other institutions matching their specialization. This is done with the help of a bachelor’s coordinator.Note that the bachelor’s degree must contain a minimum of 30 credits from another subject area. See Study and examination regulations at Volda University College, Chapter 2. Degrees, §2-1. See course tables for further information on the course of study.

Bachelor i Media, IKT og design - Mediedesign

For auka kvalitet og kontinuitet i studiet krev vi at studentane stiller med eigen bærbar PC som er kapabel til mediearbeid, samt minnekort (SD) til bruk i kamera/lydutstyr. Høgskulen har i tillegg ein godt utstyrt maskinpark tilgjengelig for studentane til spesialformål. Studentarbeid som blir produsert og dokumentert i løpet av studiet vil kunne bli brukt som døme ved seinare kurs, eller i skulen sin informasjon om eigne aktivitetar, dersom ikkje studenten skriftleg motsett seg dette.

Professional training

The programme of study includes observational practice and internal and external project and production practice depending on the student’s specialization. Further guidelines for professional training in each academic year will be given at the start of the semester.


4. semester består av eitt obligatorisk og eitt valfritt emne om du studerer medieproduksjon, og to valfrie emner om du studerer mediedesign. Det er også høve til å reise på utveksling i dette semesteret. Om ein vel utveksling, må ein syte for at ein i utvekslingsopphaldet vel emne som  tilsvarar det obligatoriske emnet.

The programme of study is organized through local teaching in form of lectures, workshops and practical assignments done individually and in groups.  Students must provide for their own headset with a microphone and an external storage device. Students have to have access to a private laptop for general assignments, but the university college has a well equipped computer station available for students for special purposes, such as video editing. It is specified in the course plans whether or not seminars have compulsory attendance.Work produced and documented by students through the course of the programme may be used as examples in later courses or in the school’s own information on activities, given that the student does not object to this.

The programme of study is evaluated according to Volda University College’s quality assurance system.

Ivar John Erdal, 70075425, [email protected]