See list of study plans starting on:


Program of study: 
English - Year Course
Level of study: 
Foundation level (bachelor’s degree level)
2 semesters
Number of students: 
Type of study: 
Year programme
Study mode
Admission and rating

Higher Education Entrance Qualification


English is today the most important language in the world. It is the mother tongue of some 400 million people, and the second language of many more. The English Year Course gives a basic introduction to the main disciplines of English as an academic subject: linguistic, literary and cultural studies. The course qualifies students for further studies in English at intermediate (“fordjupning” level) and master’s level. The course also qualifies candidates to teach English, if combined with PPU (practical pedagogical training). From 2017, a master's degree which includes a school subject is required for admission to PPU.

Learning outcome

In accordance with the national qualification framework, the students has achieved the following learning outcomes after completing the programme:

Learning outcome knowledge

the student possesses knowledge about

- the vocabulary, structure and function of the English language

- culture, society and literature in a selection of English-speaking countries

- standards and norms of academic writing and use of sources

- stylistic and cultural conventions needed to adapt language to different situations


Learning outcome skills

the student is able to

- identify and analyse English language structures

- analyse and discuss English literature

- interpret cultural and social phenomena and texts from English-speaking countries

- use English confidently and functionally, in writing and speech

Learning outcome qualification

The student is able to develop their knowledge of English language, literature and culture, and to communicate in English in different contexts.

Content structure

The programme consists of two courses each term Students can commence the programme both autumn and spring. See also the part time programme.

Instruction and assessment Instruction takes the form of lectures, group work and individual guidance. The final assessment is based on individual exams (written and oral).  Attendance is compulsory for all scheduled classes. 75% attendance through the semester is required to sit for the exam.

Engelsk årsstudium, heiltid, opptak haust
Engelsk årsstudium, heiltid, opptak vår
Professional training



There is an obligatory two-week stay at The Norwegian Study Centre in York, England. Students who apply for and are granted exemption from this obligatory course component must give an oral presentation on a topic decided by the lecturer responsible.


The programme of study will be evaluated in accordance with the University College’s routines for quality assurance.

Vibeke Jensen, 70 07 54 36, [email protected]