
MMP313 Project Based Master Thesis

Course code: 
2 semesters
Credits (ECTS): 
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2020 Autumn
2021 Spring
Assessment semester: 
2021 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Required prerequisite courses
MMP301 Storytelling, Representations and Rhetorics
MMP302 Media, Professions and Society
MMP312 Research Design and Methods
Required prerequisite knowledge

Completed and passed master courses with a total of 60 credits: MMP301, MMP302 and 30 credits relevant elective subjects. Admission will be based on a letter of application to include reasons for applying. Applications are to be handed to the VUC Student Support Office (Studentsørvis) by email: [email protected] by the given deadline. Please mark the application MMP313. A primary admission list will be made within two weeks after the first application deadline.

Course content

The Master’s thesis is the final component of the M.A. degree in which the students will prove that they have acquired extensive knowledge of media and communication at a high level. MMP313 consists of a combination of a practical media production and and a short academic thesis. Examples of practical work include a journalistic production, a documentary (film or photography), a radio documentary, an animation film, a communication plan or other media texts and media products.

Learning outcome

In accordance with the National Qualifications Framework the student will have achieved the following learning outcomes after completing the course:

Learning outcome knowledge

The student

  • will have extensive knowledge of methods and theory of media subjects
  • will have advanced knowledge of media production
Learning outcome skills

Students will

  • be able to conduct an independent scientific study based on insight into methods of investigation in media and research questions
  • be able to critically analyze various sources of information and utilize these to produce media content in an adequate way
  • be able to use professional production equipment in a sophisticated way to make media productions independently at a high level
Learning outcome qualification

Students will 

  • be able to utilize one’s own knowledge and skills to work independently and professionally with media productions
  • be able to participate actively in debates on issues in society based on experience with professional productions and/or one’s own research
Working and learning activities

The thesis work is mainly individual and independent. Every student will be appointed individual tutor(s).

Assessment requirements

Passed exams in MMP301, MMP302, MMP312, and additional approved master courses totalling 30 credits. 
Plenary presentation of "work in progress" production and thesis.
Providing prepared comment on "work in progress" of one other student. 

Evaluation system
Minimum number of students: 
Maximum number of students: 
Person in charge: 
Lars Julius Halvorsen
Used in other programs
  • Media Practices - master
Assessment FormGroupingDurationGrading scaleProportionCommentSupport MaterialsScope
Master's thesis
2 Semester
A-F, A is the best grade and E is the lowest passing grade
The practical production and the thesis will be given an overall assessement
Magnitude/scope; 45 ECTS. Requirements: Practical production (corresponding to a documentary of 30-40 minutes)
Thesis: 15,000 words (including footnotes and a list of references) + possible attachments
Adjusting oral examination
A-F, A is the best grade and E is the lowest passing grade
Approval signature: 
Odd Ragnar Hunnes 21.03.20