
CCP101 Creative Commercial Photography

Course code: 
1 semester
Credits (ECTS): 
Level of study: 
Foundation level (bachelor’s degree level)
Teaching semester: 
2018 Spring
Assessment semester: 
2018 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Required prerequisite knowledge

FME103 or MID131, or relevant media (photo) studies. Students have to know the basic principles and functioning of a photo camera when used in full manual mode. Students outside of the MID Bachelor programme must submit a motivation letter outlining relevant experience and interest in the field + three work samples. Send the motivation letter and the work samples to [email protected]. Sufficient mastery of the English language to read English course literature and participate in dialogue lecturing.

Course content

This course is directed towards students wishing to work in depth with high quality photo production in a studio and outdoor setting, and with photo post-production using Adobe Lightroom. Students will benefit from the opportunity to gain knowledge of post-production techniques for still photography. You will be responsible for the entire process from idea to final product, with guidance from experienced instructors through each step of realistic studio and outdoor photo shoots. The material you gather during a series of photo sessions will form the basis of the development of your photo portfolio. Emphasis will be placed on the creative use of advanced photo editing techniques, as well as in understanding the preparation of images for output in different platforms.

Learning outcome

In accordance with the National Qualifications Framework the student will have following learning outcome after completing the course:

Learning outcome knowledge
  • Knowledge of photographic genres and analytical tools 
  • Knowledge of the roles of professional photographers and artworkers
  • Knowledge of the history of and contemporary trends in photography
  • Knowledge of theories and techniques to create photos that communicate an idea, emotion or thought 
  • Knowledge of the process of creating a self-directed photo portfolio
  • Knowledge of technical terms used in digital photography and studio lighting
  • Knowledge of ethical and aesthetic considerations realted to the manipulation of digital images
  • Knowledge of the development of concept-based photography projects for applications such as destination and travel photography, environmental campaigns, or other assigned topics
Learning outcome skills
  • Practical skills in commercial photography and photo post-production for web and print output  
  • Intermediate skills in image postproduction in Photoshop and Lightroom
  • Practical skills in studio light use
  • Practical skills in outdoor photography
  • Practical skills in established as well as new photographic technologies
Learning outcome qualification
  • Can communicate using technical and aesthetic vocabulary in evaluating photographic works and exchange opinions and experiences with others with a background in the field
  • Can plan and carry out a complex, professional level photo shoot
  • Can communicate messages to a specific audience using photography
Working and learning activities

The course will be organised around a combination of theoretical lectures, practical work assignments, plenum discussions and workshops. Lectures will cover both the technical and conceptual aspects of creative commercial photography, as well as provide a historical overview and in-depth analyses of well-known authors and their works. Assignments may be performed individually or in groups. Students should preferably have their own system camera but some cameras and studio equipment are available to borrow from the college over short periods of time. The student will check out necessary equipment at need when it is available and return this according to set procedures. Students should preferably use their own laptop, which should fulfil the Adobe Creative Cloud requirements.

Students should expect to spend a small amount of money for Adobe licenses (those without) and consumables. Students will have to contribute to travel expenses for field photo shoots.

Assessment requirements

Participation is mandatory for parts of the course, ref. “Forskrift om studium og eksamen ved Høgskulen i Volda, § 7-4”. Details will be specified in the term plan.

Evaluation system

Grading will be done in accordance with the Regulations governing admission, studies and examinations at Volda University College.


The course is evaluated according to the HVO quality control system. (

Minimum number of students: 
Maximum number of students: 
Person in charge: 
Ana Luisa Sanchez Laws
Used in other programs
  • Bachelor's degree in Media, ICT and Design
  • PR, Communication and Media - bachelor
Assessment FormGroupingDurationGrading scaleProportionCommentSupport MaterialsScope
A-F, A is the best grade and E is the lowest passing grade
Final assessment is based on an individual project portfolio developed throughout the semester.
Approval signature: 
Catarina Andersson