
  • Visit from Lithuania to Volda


    Two guest lecturers from Klaipeda University (Lithuania) will visit Volda University College during the period 11th to 15th April. Mrs. Danute Petrauskaite and Mrs. Jurate Karosaite will give lectures while in Volda, as well as a concert with works by Ciurlionis and other Lithuanian contemporary composers.

  • Fundraising campaign for Japan


    International and Norwegian students joined forces and prepared an action to collect money for the victims of the 11th March earthquake and tsunami in Japan. After three days over 5300,- NOK were raised. The sum was send to Japan via Red Cross International.

  • The Clinton Experience and Fatty Sunroad at Rust Club


    The Clinton Experience, and Fatty Sunroad will play at Rust, in Ørsta, on Saturday 19th March. Both bands have a strong connection to Volda University College, as The Clinton Experience if a band formed by employees of the university college and Fatty Sunroad is a students’ band.

  • World Heritage Experiences (30 ECTS) - Geiranger World Heritage


    The course has a multi- and interdisciplinary approach to the interaction between nature, culture and man, and media used to promote this. It contains both the development of practical skills, pedagogic proficiency and theoretical insights on aspects that make up this interaction. The study may be part of a Bachelor’s degree as well as being a separate course of 30 credits.

  • Internasjonale studenter gjør kantina klar til Internasjonal dag!


    Stemningen var høy i kantina på lørdag! Mer enn 30 internasjonale studenter tok del i en fargerik workshop der målet var å dekorere kantina før Internasjonal dag onsdag 16. Resultatet er hundrevis av vimpler i alle regnbuens farger, til å bli inspirert og i godt humør av!

  • Staging cultural histories; something for you?


    Staging cultural histories: An exploration of controversial issues in Norwegian literature from 1870 to 1914 is a new course offered by The section of Drama and Theatre at The Faculty of Art and Physical Education. The lessons will start next Wednesday, but there are still more study places left for interested students.

  • We all meet on Erasmus


    We all meet on Erasmus, isn’t that what they say? I believe that’s very true, the decision to go on Erasmus is the best decision I’ve ever made.

  • Austral-Asian Studies Students Visit Japan


    Volda University College’s Austral-Asian Studies students have recently returned to Brisbane, Australia after a visit to Japan. They study, travel and learn about different aspects of culture in Australia and Asia.

  • Romanian exchange student in Volda – National Geographic reporter


    For the last five years, Volda University College has had a large increase in the number of international students on campus. Few left without looking back, some stayed, but most went home and convinced their colleagues how wonderful being an Erasmus in Volda is.

  • International students: "Sina Mwingine" - I have no other


    Recorded in Kenya, shot in Volda. Four of Volda's international students have made this music video to the self-written song "Sina Mwingine" or "I have no other". Erasmus student Jekabs Stelmahers from Latvia shot and edited the video. Locations in Volda include Rotevatnet, the town center and Volda University College.