Se liste over studieplaner som starter:

Documentary Photography

Documentary Photography
Bachelor (fordjupingsnivå)
1 semester
Fordjupning (bachelornivå)

30 ECST credits within mediarelated or other relevant studies. Admission will be based on study programs and a letter of application (not more than one page A4) stating Your background and reason for applying. Along with the application a portfolio of 10-15 of the applicants own pictures should be added, all in the PDF-format. The portfolio should demonstrate the ability to handle camera and available/portable light in a photojournalist context. Students following media related study programs will be given priority.

Sufficient mastery of the English language to participate in dialogue lecturing, a personal camera fit for documentary photography and access to digital post-production of images and Internet connection is required to follow the courses.

Om studiet

The program will provide for students an opportunity of learning how to produce and edit photographic images for visual communication in a media context.


In accordance with the National Qualifications Framework the student will have following learning outcome after completing the course:


have extensive knowledge on how photographs have been used and are used today in mass-media communication, and on rules and regulations that apply for such use of photographs.


be able to capture and edit photographs into professional-quality picture-essays suitable for illustrated publication

Generell kompetanse

have developed a critical awareness of the concept of visual language in photojournalism, and of how visual meaning changes in different contexts.

Organisering og arbeidsmåtar

The program consists of two consecutive courses, PDOC201Photojournalism; People and Places and PDOC202Photojournalism; Capturing Moments (see separate course descriptions) to be held during the autumn semester. Both courses are organized as gatherings with lectures and on-subject discussions with in-between practical exercises and reading. Both courses focus two separate themes, a total of four themes for the entire study program.

It is possible to follow the program as a part-time study over two separate semesters. If so, we recommend that People and Places will be your first course. 

Photo Documentary
Photo Documentary
Evaluering og kvalitetssikring

Each student is subject to individual examination. The student’s assessment of the technical and communicative values of his or her own portfolio will be part of this examination. Grading will be done in accordance with §5-11 in the Regulations governing studies and examinations at Volda University College.

Jan Ytrehorn, [email protected], 70 07 51 05