Pedagogikkseminar med internasjonale foredragshaldarar

14.-15. juni inviterer Institutt for pedagogikk ved Høgskulen i Volda til eit internasjonalt spesialpedagogisk seminar i Volda. Temaet er heterogenitet, og forskarar frå Portugal, Tyskland, Austerrike, Danmark, Sverige og Noreg tek del, melder professor Tobias Werler, som er ansvarleg for arrangementet.

Heterogenitet er eit fellestema for spesialpedagogikk og allmenn didaktikk, og under seminaret vil det mellom anna vere workshopar, forelesingar og tematiske møter.

Omtale på engelsk

HETEROGENEITY - General Didactics meets the Stranger.

In 1807 the German philosopher of education Herbart stated in one of his lectures on education: «The diversity of the minds is the great obstacle of all (school based) education.» By that he probably described most aptly one of the most important problems of modern schooling, which in the current times of standardization of education is exacerbated. 

The aim of the workshops is therefore to analyze the constructions of heterogeneity in pedagogy based on the leitmotif of the other. In so doing, the stranger is seen as a didactic key. In this respect, didactics must relate according to this. It shows that there is a necessity to understand the filter of strangeness/ otherness. One has to ask for criteria for establishing the filter; furthermore one should ask for the didactic relevant mechanisms of this filter. This is done in the hope that the results are not only fruitfully for intercultural education but even so for didactics.

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Program på engelsk

Monday 14th of June 2010:

10:00 Opening - Welcome by Rakel Christian Granaas, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Education

10:30 Tobias Werler, University College Volda (Norway): Strangeness, Otherness and didactics

11:30 Christoph Wulf, Freie Universitaet Berlin (Germany): Teaching History in Europe: An Intercultural Task.

12:30 lunch break

14:00 Bernadette Hörmann, University of Vienna (Austria): Disappearing Students. The role of students with disabilities in times of student assessment tests and standardization.

15:00 Jorunn Midtsundstad, University of Agder (Norway): Diversity: A Necessity for Individual School Performance.

16:00 end of the academic part of the day

Tuesday, 15th of June 2010:

09:00 Carl Anders Säfström, Mälardalen University (Sweden): Teaching -  a matter of making the strange familiar or making the familiar strange?

10:00 Sofia Marques da Silva, University of Port (Portugal): Getting closer to the Stanger: methodological challenges.

11:00 Ula A. Madsen, University of Roskilde (Danmark): Danishness and the Construction of the Other.

12:00 lunch break

13:30 Tanja Sturm, University of Hamburg (Germany): Doing diversity and teaching: a dialectical perspective.

14:30 Tobias Werler: final discussion & outlook

15:30 end of the workshop

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