Ny bok: What the story has to offer

<I>What the story has to offer</I> ser på grunngjevnadane for den sentrale rolla litterære tekstar har fått i den nye læreplanen for grunnskulen. Boka er skriven av høgskulelektor Bjørg Olsen Eikrem.

What the story has to offer ser på grunngjevnadane for den sentrale rolla litterære tekstar har fått i den nye læreplanen for grunnskulen, L97, og på novella som ein sjanger der elevane kan få oppleve språket i ein heilskap. Boka har forslag til praktiske aktivitetar i arbeidet med nokre utvalde noveller. Desse aktivitetane representerer innfallsvinklar som òg kan nyttast i arbeidet med andre tekstar og andre sjangrar, på ungdomssteget så vel som vidaregåande skule.

Høgskulelektor Bjørg Olsen Eikrem

Både for studentar i allmennlærarutdanninga som har valt fordjupning i engelsk, og lærarar som tek etter- og vidareutdanning i faget, vil boka vere ei aktuell pensum- og ressursbok.


ISBN 82-7634-251-5

Frå vaskesetelen:
Læreplanverket for den 10-årige grunnskolen (L 97) gives literature an important role in the teaching of English as a foreign language (TEFL). It is seen as the key to an understanding of how language works as a linguistic system as well as an expression of culture. This new approach to literature demands a reorientation of the way teachers think about the subject, and involves activities which require close and repeated attention to the texts and stimulate language interaction in the classroom.

What the story has to offer first presents some background thoughts on the role of literature in TEFL, past and present. The book then looks at the reasons why the short story genre is particularly well suited for experiencing the foreign language in context. A selection of short stories intended for this purpose follows. The third part of the book includes classroom activities and teaching ideas, as well as examples of student response and teacher feedback. The suggested activities represent strategies which may be used when working with other texts and other genres, both at a junior and senior secondary level.

The book particularly adresses teacher training students who have chosen to specialise in English, and teachers in junior and senior secondary education who want to update themselves to meet the challenges of the reform programmes. For the first group group What the story has to offer covers several central curricular topics, and for those already active in TEFL it will be a resource to use when working with literary texts.

Bjørg Olsen Eikrem for many years taught foreign languages in junior secondary school. At present she is a lecturer of foreign language didactics in the English department at Volda College. She is active in both initial and inservice teacher training.

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