Conference 14-15 June 2001 at the University of Bergen. The aim of the project «Education as Nationbuilding» is to study aspects of the role education has played in the process of building Norway into a nation, spanning from the 1840s to the 1990s.

Changes in the regulation of school and education will be examined through the changing philosophies under regimes such as the Civil-service state, The Liberal-democrat state and the Labour-party state, with the main emphasis on the post- 1945 period. The project is beeing financed over a five-year periode, from 1998 to 2002, by the Research Council of Norway and its Competence, Education and Value Creation


Prosjektet utdanning som nasjonsbygging blir leia frå Ivar Aasen-instituttet ved Høgskulen i Volda. Sveinung Vaage er prosjektleiar. I tilleg er to til av prosjektmedlemene frå Volda-miljøet: Reidun Høydal og Oddbjørn Melle

Sveinung Vaage
Volda College
P.O. Box 500
6101 VOLDA

Phone: 70075137
Fax: 70075135


Thursday 14 th June:
9.15-10: Prof. Richard Aldrich: Education as Nationbuilding - Lessons from British History

10.30-11.15: Prof. Peter Drewek: Between State, Society, and Nation: German Education since 1800

11.45 - 12.45: Lunch

12.45-13.30: Senior Lecturer Alfred Oftedal Telhaug: From Fellowship to Individualism. Education as the Building of Nation in a Scandinavian Perspective

14.00-14.45: Research Fellow Nina Volckmar: Helge Sivertsen - Educational Philosophy and Reform Policy in Norway in the 1950s and 60s.

Fredag 15. juni:
9.15-10: Harald Thuen: Embetsmannsstatens atferdsinstitusjoner: asylet - fengselet og allmueskolen.

10.30-11.15: Reidun Høydal: The best and the brightest: landsgymnaset som nasjonsbyggjar og elitedannar

11.45-12.45: Lunsj

12.45-13.30: Sveinung Vaage: Allmenndanning og folkedanning i Erling Kristviks reformpedagogikk

14.00-14.45: Rune Slagstad: Skiftende kunnskapsregimer


Harald Thuen: Embetsmannsstatens skolepolitikk: fra kirkeskole til statsskole

Reidun Høydal: Utdanning som nasjonsbygging i Venstrestatens epoke: landsgymnasa sin framvekst og danningsprofil

Sveinung Vaage: Reformpedagogikk og nasjonsbygging (1890-1940)

Oddbjørn Melle: Arbeiderpartistatens utdanningspolitikk: Distriktshøgskulen i den utdanningspolitiske nasjonsbygginga

Odd Asbjørn Mediås: Forholdet mellom nasjonal, regional og lokal styring i komparativt perspektiv

Petter Aasen: Kunnskap og forskning som utdanningspolitisk styringsmiddel i komparativt perspektiv

Rolf Th. Tønnesen: Læreplaner i et nasjonsbyggingsperspektiv

Svein Lorentzen: Lærebøker og nasjonal identitet

Nina Volckmar: En studie av arbeiderpartistatens utdanningstenkning 1945-1997

Alfred O. Telhaug: Utdanning som investering og siviliserende aktivitet i et komparativt perspektiv


Richard Aldrich is professor at Institute of Education, University of London. He is the head of the History and Philosophy Group and he is: a member of the editorial boards of several academic journals, a past president of the International Standing Conference for the History of Education and a past president of the History of Education Society of the UK

His recent publications include:
- History of Education for the Twenty-First Century (co-ed David Crook 2000)
- Faiths and Education: Historical and Comparative Perspectives (co-eds John Coolahan and Frank Simon 2000)
- The End of History and the Beginning of Education (1997)
- Education for the Nation (1996)

More information on www:

Peter Drewek is professor of education at the University of Mannheim. He is the leader of Lehrstuhl für Erziehungswissenschaft III at Philosophische Fakultät. Before that he was professor of education at the Freie Universität Berlin (1991-1999). He has also been director of research programmes of the German Research Agency, such as International Perception and Internalization Processes in Education 1871-1945: a comparison between Germany and the United States (1998- )

His recent publications include:
- The Educational System, Social Reproduction, and Educational Theory in Imperial Germany. In Popkewitz, Thomas S. (ed. 2000).
- Germany. In International Handbook on History of Education (with Heinz-Elmar Tenorth 2000)
- Educational Studies as an Academic Disipline in Germany at the Beginning of the 20th Century. In Paedagogica Historica 1998.
- Geschichte der Schule. In Harney/Krüger (Hg. 1998)

More information on www:

Conference 14-15 June 2001

University of Bergen
Room 343/344
Christiesgt. 18

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