Prominent journalism researchers gather in Volda and Loen
June 17-20, Volda University College will be the hub of international journalism research. Several of the leading researchers in the field will gather at the Volda Symposium and discuss the challenges of journalism.

Professor Mark Deuze, Univeristy of Amsterdam.
June 17-20, Volda University College will be the hub of international journalism research. Several of the leading researchers in the field will gather at the Volda Symposium and discuss the challenges of journalism. The overall theme of the conference is Professional and Peripheral News workers and the Shifting Importance of Platforms.
The key notes speeches will be held by Mark Deuze from Amsterdam, Laura Ahva from Finland and Edson Tandoc Jr from Singapore. An "inspirational talk" will be delivered by Valerie Belair-Gagnon from University of Minnesota, She will also will be one of the paper session chairs together with the key note speakers and Rich Ling.
The first part of the arrangement will take place at the Volda Campus with opening speechers at 1200 from Rector Johann Roppen and the scientific chair of the symposium. Oscar Westlund.
At 1215 Mark Deuze will present his key note speech titled " What does it take to "Make It Work" in the media industries?"
After the first paper session, the partiipants will travel by bus via the Geiranger Fjord to Loen where the seminar will continue until Thursday. The arrangement will hopefully be an inspiring combination of Norwegian West coast nature, scientific discussions and social gathering.
Complete programme and more information could be found here.