Student guidance and special needs

Special needs

Students who are dyslexic, suffer from a chronical or mental illness, or have other diagnoses that may affect their lives in a study situation can be offered special needs assistance. Academic requirements cannot be lowered, but we can look for other solutions to your challenges. Student adviser Ingunn Teigen Blindheim is working actively to facilitate education opportunities for students with special needs.

Each case is considered individually, to ensure help is offered in a professional manner. It is important that you document your challenges, but also that you share with us previous experiences and support you have been offered. Helping students with special needs spans from help with reading course material, to teaching aids, group work, practical issues, increased examination time etc.

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Contact the Student Service Office:
 +47 70 07 50 18 | [email protected] 
or stop by during our opening hours:
- Monday, from 9.30 - 15.00 
- Tuesday to Friday: 9.00 - 15.00