Re-sit exams

Re-sit exams at VUC take place in the term following the original exams. Most re-sit exams are arranged in week 10 for the spring term and week 40 for the autumn term. VUC arranges only one of each exam each term.

Contact [email protected] should you have questions regarding re-sit exams.

Eligibility for re-sit exams

To be eligible to re-sit exams, you must fulfil one of the following requirements:
•    A documented medical or welfare reason prevented you from sitting the original exam.
•    Not passed/the grade F on the original exam
•    Withdrawal from the exam during the exam
Students that themselves are not eligible to re-sit exams, may still re-sit an exam if the exam is arranged due to other students with eligibility.


The registration deadline for re-sit exams is the same as ordinary exams:
•    1st September for the autumn term
•    1st February for the spring term

Students are responsible for signing up for exams before the deadline. Active students who are eligible for exams, may sign up in Studentweb after the results from the original exam are published, or they may use the application form (


Students who fall ill on the exam date, must contact the Division of Student and Academic Affairs as soon as possible, on the date of the exam at the latest. Excused absences due to illness must be documented by a doctor’s note or a note from a different clinician. Documentation must be submitted to the Division of Student and Academic Affairs.


Ineligibility for re-sit exams

The following is an incomplete list of situations that does not make one eligible to sit re-sit exams:
•    Not attending the exam
•    Not signed up for original exam
•    Exam result annulled due to academic dishonesty
•    Wishing to improve the results

Requirements for arranging re-sit exams

In order for re-sit exams to be arranged, at least one student who is eligible for re-sit exams must be registered for the exam. Students wanting to improve their grade may sign up for re-sit exams, and their registration will be withdrawn if no eligible students register.

Re-sit exams are mainly arranged using the same form of evaluation as the last ordinary exam. Exceptions due to practical or academic reasons may occur.

In courses that will no longer be arranged, VUC arranges a final exam in the following semester, where all qualified students may sign up. This includes students that want to improve their grade, students who received a failing grade, students with excused absences and students who did not attend the exam.

Should any students receive a failing grade or an excused absence on this exam, an extra exam will be arranged, but only for students with either (1) a failing grade, (2) exam result annulled, or (3) an excused absence.