Valuation criteria/Diploma/Degrees

The students’ academic performance is assessed both through final examinations and various assignments during the academic year. Grades are awarded according to a graded scale from A (highest) to F (lowest), with E as the minimum passing grade.



General,   qualitative description of valuation criteria



An excellent performance, clearly outstanding. The candidate demonstrates excellent judgement and a high degree of independent thinking.


Very good

A very good performance. The candidate demonstrates sound judgement and a very good degree of independent thinking.



A good performance in most areas. The candidate demonstrates a reasonable degree of judgement and independent thinking in the most important areas.



A satisfactory   performance, but with significant shortcomings. The candidate demonstrates a   limited degree of judgement and independent thinking.



A performance that meets the minimum criteria, but no more. The candidate demonstrates a very limited degree of judgement and independent thinking.



A performance that does not meet the minimum academic  criteria. The candidate demonstrates an absence of both judgement and independent thinking.

A pass/fail grade is given for some examinations. In such cases,

For further information, see Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education.

The Diploma supplement

Diploma Supplement

The Diploma Supplement will be printed automatically, free of charge and in English to all students who graduate from universities and university colleges in Norway.

The Diploma Supplement is an explanation of the structure of the study and an overview of the Norwegian education system. This can be useful when applying for other institutions or jobs abroad.

For more information about the Diploma Supplement in Norway, go to NOKUT's web pages.

All completed education can be found in Vitnemålsportalen. This gives you a quick and safe way to share information about education you have completed.


Digitalt vitnemål og karakterutskrift

Kva er eit digitalt vitnemål?

Eit digitalt vitnemål er eit fullverdig vitnemål, og det same vitnemålet som blir trykt på papir. Det digitale vitnemålet er elektronisk signert av SIKT – kunnskapssektoren sin tenesteleverandør. Det er ei nasjonal og verifisert sektorløysing for deling av vitnemål i høgare utdanning.

Det digitale vitnemålet ligg på Vitnemålsportalen.

Når det det digitale vitnemålet ditt er produsert, vil det ligge i Vitnemålsportalen. Der vil du alltid kunne finne det igjen, og du kan difor ikkje miste vitnemålet ditt.


Gyldig vitnemål – del lenkje, ikkje print

For at vitnemålet ditt skal vere gyldig, må du dele vitnemålet ditt i Vitnemålsportalen. Dette betyr at du delar ei lenkje i Vitnemålsportalen til dei du ønskjer skal sjå vitnemålet ditt.



All fullført utdanning vil ligge i VitnemålsportalenDu kan sjølv generere karakterutskrifter frå Vitnemålsportalen. Her kan du også lage eigne samansetningar for kva resultat du ønskjer at skal vise på karakterutskrifta di. Dette gir deg ein rask og trygg måte å dele informasjon om utdanning du har fullført.



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Image removed.

Stått/ikkje stått:
"Skillet mellom bestått karakter og ikke bestått skal beskrives som absolutte krav. Kriterier for bestått karakter skal gjenspeile faglig mestring i emnet, tilpasset det aktuelle studienivå. Kravene til bestått skal ikke gjøres avhengig av endringer i studentenes forutsetninger for å gjennomføre emnet. 

Grensen mellom bestått og ikke bestått kan settes høyere enn grensen mellom E og F der en kun benytter uttrykkene bestått/ikke bestått og ikke den graderte skalaen." (Utdrag av brev frå UFD av 10.05.04.)

A Doctoral Degree (Ph.D)

After completing the master's degree, it is possible to take a Doctoral Degree (Ph.D. Degree). The education is standardized for three years and is conducted within the framework of an organized program.

The Doctoral Degree Programme consists of a doctoral dissertation and a training component, which consists of at least 30 credits of the programme. Within the education there are possibilities for exchange abroad, interdisciplinary cooperation etc.

At the end of the Doctoral Programme, one is awarded the Ph.D. Degree on the basis of:

1. Completed tutorial.
2. Scientific Dissertation.
3. PhD examination.

The PhD examination consists of a trial lecture and a public defense of the dissertation (disputas).


The Master's Degree

The Master's Degree is a higher degree and has a standard study period of two years. To enter the study you must normally have completed a Bachelor's Degree or the like, within an academic field that is relevant to the Master's Degree. 

There are also integrated Master's Programmes which starts at entry level and lasts for five to six years. 

The Bachelor's Degree

The Bachelor's Degree is a lower degree and has a standard study period of three years. There is a requirement that at least 60 credits must be from the university college where you apply for the degree.

You can get a Bachelor's Degree by:

- following a defined 3-year Bachelor's Programme

- or get an Open Bachelor's Degree by putting together your own selection of courses following VUCs guidelines and regulations. You apply for the degree after completing all courses.

Vocational training

Practical Pedagogical Education
Practical Pedagogical Education (PPU) is a vocational education programme of 60 credits (full time / part-time) which primarily qualifies for teaching at the youth level in elementary schools and in the high schools. The programme also provides teaching skills in other arenas within your field of study.


Personalized bachelor's degree


Would you prefer to design your own personalized bachelor’s degree and not join a pre-determined programme? Perhaps you have already taken several shorter courses and are wondering how you can build on these with a view to being awarded a degree?

At Volda University College you may combine subjects in a self-designed degree, in accordance with your own wishes, as long as you meet the stipulated requirements.

All our study programmes at first degree (100) and second degree (200) level can be incorporated into a degree course, either here in Volda or at another college or university. Please note that each university or university college has its own individual regulations, even though they all have a great deal in common.


Formal degree requirements:

Volda University College awards a bachelor’s degree on the basis of 180 credits, which must include:

  • 80 credits in one particular subject area, at least 20 of which involve specialisation (200 level)
  • independent academic work related to the field of specialisation, worth at least 15 credits (bachelor thesis or semester paper)
  • 30 credits in a subject area other than the one referred to in the previous bullet point

In addition, at least 60 of the credits must be awarded by Volda University College, and at least 60 of the credits in the new degree shall not have constituted part of any earlier degree.


Application form, personalized bachelor’s degree: Personalized bachelor's degree 

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 +47 70 07 50 18 | [email protected] 
or stop by during our opening hours:
- Monday, from 9.30 - 15.00 
- Tuesday to Friday: 9.00 - 15.00