Bachelor’s and Master’s theses

All bachelor’s and master’s theses at Volda University College are to be submitted in Inspera: Students may log in using their Feide user, the same login that is used for Canvas. The exam in Inspera opens one week before the deadline. Students are advised to use the browser Google Chrome. 

Unless the course description notes otherwise, all submissions should consist of only one PDF file. Any appendices must be included in the same document as the rest of the thesis. 

All students are required to familiarize themselves with the regulations regarding exams and academic dishonesty/cheating. 

Note that bachelor’s and master’s theses have separate regulations regarding the number of attempts, read more here

Technical aspects of examinations

All technical aspects of examinations, such as the candidate’s own devices failing or unstable/lack of internet connectivity, is the responsibility of the student. Incidents which lead to delays and can be documented, may be grounds for an extension of the deadline. The Division of Student and Academic Affairs reviews applications for extensions. 

Citing and referencing

Bachelor’s and Master’s theses are subject to the same regulations regarding citing and referencing as other submissions at the university college. Read more about the rules and regulations for citing sources here.

Read more about citing and referencing on the VUC Library’s reference site, or the Citation Compass

Thesis template

The course description and Canvas room for the course and/or the programme includes information about required formatting and content. 

You can download the template here: 

English Nynorsk Bokmål 

Download the template and use it as the first page of your thesis. On page two in your document, check that the margins are set to standard. 

Thesis title

Before the due date, all students must register their thesis title in Studentweb. Log in to Studentweb, where you will see “Upcoming events” with a list of course codes. Register the title by pressing the pencil to the right of the course code. Write the title in English. 

The thesis title is included on the Transcript of Records, Diploma and the library archive BRAVO. 

Publication of theses

Volda University College encourages students to share their theses in BRAVO. Both master's and bachelor's theses are useful for other students and researchers to have access to.  The author is required to familiarize themselves with the consequences of online publication, for example that other websites may link the document.

Grade requirements for publication is A, B or C for master theses and A or B for bachelor theses. 

Should the theses or part of the theses consist of photography, drawings or other materials protected by copyright, the author must guarantee that they have the necessary permissions to publish the material from the third party in advance of publication. You must also guarantee that the thesis does not contain materials that are disallowed by Norwegian law, and that it does not contain links to that kind of material. 

If the thesis contains information covered by confidentiality, you must decline publication. The rules related to confidentiality is found in the Act relating to procedure in cases concerning the public administration Section 13. 

You notify the University College regarding consent of publication by sending an email to [email protected] with the following information: Name, email address, course code and course name, candidate number, student number, consent to publication (yes/no). 

Abstract (Master’s theses only)

Master’s theses must include an abstract of about 200-400 words, unless otherwise specified. The abstract should be placed at the start of the thesis (after the front page).