Exam results, explanation of grades and appeals
Announcement of the grade
The grade is published in Studentweb, and the deadline for submitting grades is 3 weeks after the exam.
In periods with many holidays the deadline is set to 15 workdays. cf. Regulations conserning Censorship Deadline.
Explanation of grades
We recommend that you ask for an explanation of your grade and read the sensor guidance before deciding to submit an appeal.
What is an explanation of grades?
An explanation states the general principles on which the assessment was based and explains the assessment of your performance. We recommend that you ask for an explanation of your grade before deciding to submit an appeal. (cf. UH-lova § 5-3 Klage over karakterfastsetting – rett til grunngjeving, in Norwegian only).
Deadline for requesting an explanation:
■ Written examinations: one week after the grade is announced in Studentweb.
■ Oral or practical examinations: immediately after you have received your grade.
The explanation should normally be given within two weeks after you have asked for it. The examiner decides whether the explanation is to be given in writing or verbally.
A request for explanation of grades can you apply for in the Studentweb, Results - Explanation of grades and appeals.
Appeal against grades
You can submit an appeal against your grades for all written examinations in Studentweb. You cannot submit an appeal against the grades of oral or practical examinations, since the performance is not documented for future purposes and cannot be rechecked.
The deadline for submitting an appeal against grades is 3 weeks after you got the explanation of grades or from the grade was announced in Studentweb.
Complaints against formal errors in connection with exams
If you as a student believe that formal errors have been made in connection with your test or exams you are entitled, pursuant to the Act Relating to Universities and Colleges 5-2, to complain about formal examination errors, for instance in the examination papers, in the way the examination is conducted or in the grading process.
Complaints against formal errors during exams must be submitted by e-mail: [email protected], and the complaint must be substantiated. The deadline is three weeks, after you know or should know the alleged errors, upon which the complaint is based. If you request an explanation of the assessment or appeal against the grade the deadline is three weeks from you receive the explanation or the decision about the appeal. If the appeal is not taken into account by the administration, it will be handled by the university´s Appeals Committee.
In cases where errors have been made that may have influenced your exam performance or the assessment of the exam, the grade awarded shall be annulled. In cases where the error may be rectified by a new assessment, such an assessment should be made. If not, a new examination should be arranged.
Appeals against individual decisions
As a student, you have the right to appeal against individual decisions made by VUC, see the Public Administration Act, section 28. However, not all decisions made by VUC can be classified as individual decisions. According to the Public Administrations Act (2b), an individual decision is an administrative decision relating to the rights or duties of one or more specific persons. This means that it is not possible to appeal against administrative decisions like for instance the time and place of the exam.
The deadline is three weeks from the moment you get the decision.
Complaints against individual decision must be submitted by e-mail: [email protected] and the complaint must be substantiated. If the appeal is not taken into account by the administration, it will be handled by the VUC´s Appeals Committee.
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- Monday, from 9.30 - 15.00
- Tuesday to Friday: 9.00 - 15.00