New course: The EU and Regional Development

- You have been wondering how the European Union works, what its aims are, and what impact decisions made in Brussels have on Norway? There is a new course, starting in week 3, where you can learn about these issues, reports lecturer Dr. Nathalie Homlong.

Among the contents of the course are why the European Union was created and how its institutions work, but also current issues such as the enlargement of the EU will be discussed. Furthermore, there will be special focus on regional development, agricultural and environmental policies. The course will be held by Dr. Nathalie Homlong. She originates from Austria, where she has been teaching classes about EU topics for several years.

The first two weeks of the course (weeks 3 and 8) will take place at HVO. The third week of teaching (week 13) will be an excursion to Austria (to Vienna and to the province of Styria), where you can get a better understanding about how EU policies work in practice and what its effects are on a member country. The fourth week (week 19) will again take place at HVO.

There are two options to get credit for this course: to obtain 10 study points (IPA113) you attend the first three study weeks and write a short paper; to get 15 study points (IPA213) you attend all four study weeks, write a short paper and take a written exam at the end of the course. Although the class will be held in English, the paper can be written in English, Norwegian or German.

For more information contact Nathalie Homlong: [email protected]

You can still register for this course at Studentweb (IPA 113 and IPA213)

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