Win a prize and a better study day
Are you in your 2nd or 5th year of study? Then you can answer the survey Studiebarometeret and win both money and pizza night with your class – in addition to making your study better.
On 21st of October, the Studiebarometeret 2021 opened and students in the 2nd or 5th year at Volda University College can now respond to the survey. Everyone should have received an e-mail to their private e-mail with a link to where one should respond to the survey.
The response deadline for the Studiebarometeret is 14th of November.
Studiebarometeret was conducted to capture students' views on educational quality. The purpose is to increase the quality of studies and provide useful information to colleges/universities, students and others. The results give educational institutions the opportunity to make improvements. In addition, the results are used for research on educational quality. The survey was conducted by NOKUT on behalf of the Ministry of Education and Research.
Taken seriously
It takes 5-10 minutes to complete the questionnaire. Well-invested time, says Odd Helge Mjellem Tonheim, vice-rector at Volda University College.
– The results from the survey are important for our quality work with the various study programs. All study programs have their own quality selection that this will be addressed and worked on further. We also discuss the results with the students, and go through what can be improved and how. At the same time, the results from the Studiebarometeret are also taken up in the department council at the university college, the education committee and in the university college board. Those who answer should know that their answer will be taken seriously by the college, Tonheim assures.
Gets heard
The survey is national and provides a basis for comparing studies across universities and colleges, and see trends and changes from year to year.
– It provides good opportunities to see what is good about the various studies and where there is potential for improvement. This is a good survey that does not take too long, says Trond-Fredrik Hoddevik.
He responded to the survey in the second year of his bachelors degree, and has done the same this year in the second year of the master's degree in community planning and leadership. Hoddevik said that he spent five minutes answering the survey.
– It is well invested time. This is a unique chance for students to have their say about the school and the quality of education. And that without having to take it through a shop steward or the like - this is completely anonymous, Hoddevik points out.
Fun prize
Volda University College has its own premiere for the Study Barometer. All classes that achieve a response rate of 80 or higher will be in the draw for a pizza night with the class. It hosts two classes.
In addition, there is a national prize pool among those who answer where the prizes are 15 gift cards of up to 5,000 kroner.
The response deadline for the Studiebarometeret is 14th of November.