Animation students with award-winning game

Nicolai Wøner Voss is in his 3rd year of animation studies and debuted last weekend at SpillExpo in Lillestrøm with the strategy game Broken Banners. The game won "Game of the Year" and "Best Gameplay" at the Norwegian Game Awards (NGA) in March.

Broken Banners

Text: Diam esse humo illum mos quadrum turpis validus Distineo ibidem jugis molior probo. Blandit elit immitto obruo occuro sit utrum voco., Photo: Lorebound Entertainment

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Nicolai Wøner Voss is in his 3rd year of animation studies and debuted last weekend at SpillExpo in Lillestrøm with the strategy game Broken Banners. The game won "Game of the Year" and "Best Gameplay" at the Norwegian Game Awards (NGA) in March.

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The bachelor in Animation degree at Volda University College (HVO) is known to many for training internationally award-winning people for the animation film and advertising industry. But did you know that you can use your animation skills to design things like game characters and virtual worlds?


To many people, developing your own game can seem like an unattainable thing, where you need to get in with the big game industry around the world. But Norway also has a bustling game development environment with broad international appeal, where an education at HVO can be just the right thing.


Several Volda students has contributed

Broken Banners is a project that Nicolai has been working on since last summer. In March, the game was completed as part of the specialization assignment in the second year of the animation course. Viken Filmsenter has been behind the financing and the game has been produced/coded by Eirik Wiklund.

There are also several HVO students who have contributed to the production of the game. These are:

  • Karoline Grønvik: Illustration and design
  • Rasmus Martin Langum Øien: Character design
  • Eilif Grøn Hensvol: Illustration
  • Jarle Styve: Logo design

Here you can buy and play Broken Banners on Steam (external link)

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