Courses starting on 2025 Spring:
- ANFIG162 Figure Drawing 2
- ANI162 Animation 2: 3D animation - Stop-motion and CGI
- ENG143 Phonetics and varieties of English
- ENG143N Phonetics and varieties of English
- ENG144 Literature, culture and society before 1900
- ENG144N Literature, culture and society before 1900
- ENG203 Adaptation and translation
- ENG211 Bachelor thesis - language
- ENG213 Bachelor thesis - literature
- FLM102 Introduction to Film History
- FME103 Photo for Media
- IPA203 Internship with internship report (15 ECTS)
- IPA206 Internship with internship report (30 ECTS)
- KUM307 School, religious diversity and secularization
- MD211 Design Strategies and Concepts
- MMP308 Media Producing
- MMP309 Professional Media Practice
- MMP310 Web Documentary
- MMP311 Risk Communication and Issue Management
- MMP317 Design Strategies and Concepts
- MPRO111 Visual Storytelling 2 - Video Production
- MPRO112 Fortellerteknikk og dramaturgi
- MPRO113 Multicamera Production
- NAT150 Human Evolution and a Sustainable Future
- NIS102 Norwegian language and civilization for international students II
- NOIN101 Norwegian Language, Civilization and Academic life – an Introduction
- REL110 Intercultural Understanding
- REL210N Intercultural Understanding
- SKR305 Writing and Freedom in the English-Speaking World
- TOD105 Script Writing
- TOD109 Acting for The Camera
- ULEMGOPPG Master's thesis