Studying by distance

Students who are studying at Volda University College by distance or online can access the library remotely.


When you have registered as a student at Volda University College and received a student ID number, you become registered in the library’s borrowing register.

Contact the library at [email protected] to register as a distance student to be eligible for services available for remote students.

As a distance-education student, you can order books on Oria to be sent to your local library. We will check with you which library you want the books to be sent to beforehand. You will always be notified by us when we send the books, and then you have to contact your local library yourself in order to pick up the books.

If you are visiting the library and want to borrow books, it is advisable to downloadthe student ID app on your phone. It also functions as a library card and can be used at the self-checkout machine

Remember to return the books either to us or your local library when you are notified that the loan period has ended.


You can search for books, articles and other literature in Oria, the online catalogue for Volda University College Library. You can reserve books and request to have them sent to your local library. Electronic resources can be accessed by providing your Feide username and password.


  • Log in to Oria with the Feide username and password you have received from Volda University College. The login button is located on the right.
  • Once you find the book you want, click on «Request» and then «Request» again.
  • If the «Request» button is missing, please contact the library so that we can add the feature to your user profile.
  • Below you will find «Delivery to address - Address home».
  • If the book is on loan, you will be placed on the waiting list. You will receive the book as soon as it becomes available.


In addition to books, you will find a range of electronic resources on Oria, including journal articles. Log in to Oria with the Feide username and password you have received from Volda University College to access these resources when off campus. Contact Volda University College Library if you have any problems or need more information.


If you are unable to find what you need in our library, you can search further using the «Norwegian Academic Libraries» tab in Oria. Volda University College can get both books and journals from other libraries across Norway. This is a free service available to all students and staff of Volda University College.


E-mail Volda University College Library at: [email protected]

You can also call us at: 70 07 50 60