
MMP309 Professional Media Practice

1 semester
2018 Vår
2018 Vår
Forkunnskapskrav, emneliste
MMP303 Undersøkande journalistikk
MMP308 Media Producing
Krav til forkunnskapar

Admission will be based on a letter of application to include reasons for applying. MMP303 or MMP308 may be replaced by equivalent courses or practices. Applications are to be handed to the VUC Student Support Office (Studentsørvis) by email: [email protected] by the given deadline (November 20, 2017). Please mark the application MMP309. A primary admission list will be made within two weeks after the first application deadline.

Om emnet

This course should give student an advanced practical experience from well-known media companies. The course includes a preparing week with lectures and seminars and an exam production. After having completed the subject to students are able to work independently with the demanding tasks within their field (journalism, animation, communication, media production, photography).


In accordance with the National Qualifications Framework the student will achieve the following learning outcomes after completing the course:


has advanced knowledge of work in the media industry

has advanced knowledge of different ways of practical learning



·         can fill a role in the media business in an independent way

·         can use media theory and methods to participate in demanding production and to reflect around the professional work in an advanced way.

·         can use, in a critical way,  various sources of information

Generell kompetanse

can use their knowledge and their skills to perform advanced productions


Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåtar

The course extends over one semester and consists of an introduction week with lectures and seminars, followed by 8-10 weeks external practice in a leading media business.

Vilkår for å framstille seg til eksamen

To be able to attend the final examination the student must have completed the external practice and have had a practice report approved. The report should be of about 3000 words and be handed in with a practice log.



Examination results are executed in accordance with the Directive for Admission, Studies and Examination at Volda University College, chapter 5.(

Evaluering og kvalitetssikring

The course will be evaluated in accordance with Volda University College’s quality assurance system. (

Paul Bjerke
Emnet inngår i følgande studieprogram
  • Media Practices - master
Assessment FormGroupingDurationGrading scaleProportionCommentSupport MaterialsScope
1 semester
A-F, der A er best og E er siste ståkarakter
Final assesment is a folder with an exam production and a method report.
The exam production is a work within the student's specialization.In the method report the student have to discuss the work and present qualified reflexions upon practices and routines in the practical field. The report should be approximately 5000 words.

In the methods report the student will discuss the work and present qualified reflections regarding the practices and routines in practice firm in a way that shows that he or she can communicate about professional issues.

The report should be approximately 5000 words.
Final assesment is a folder with an exam production and a method report.
The exam production is a work within the student's specialization.In the method report the student have to discuss the work and present qualified reflexions upon practices and routines in the practical field. The report should be approximately 5000 words.

In the methods report the student will discuss the work and present qualified reflections regarding the practices and routines in practice firm in a way that shows that he or she can communicate about professional issues.

The report should be approximately 5000 words.