
FME103 Photo for media

2 semester
Bachelor (grunnivå)
2015 Haust
2016 Vår
2015 Haust
2016 Vår
Krav til forkunnskapar

Sufficient mastery of the English language to participate in dialogue lecturing. Admission will be based on study programs and a letter of motivation (less than one page A4) stating your background and reason for applying. Motivation letters are to be handed in to the VUC Student Support Office (Studentsørvis) by email: [email protected]. Please mark the application FME103. Students following Erasmus programs (up to 18 places) and media related study programs will be given priority. A primary admission list will be made within two weeks after the first application deadline. Students failing to attend the first lecture without valid reason will be excluded. VUC reserves non-commercial user rights to images submitted during the course.

Om emnet

The course focuses photography for media purposes.


I samsvar med det nasjonale kvalifikasjonsrammeverket har studenten følgjande læringsutbytte etter fullført emne:


The students are to acquire basic knowledge of photo technical development until recent times, and of photo journalism history.


The students are to acquire fundamental skills in photography and picture handling based on a digital platform, as photography is practised in world media today. This includes handling of physical and electronic tools used in the production of photographic images, as well as a basic understanding of journalistic visual communication and the ethics connected to the same. 

Generell kompetanse


Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåtar

The course provides an introduction to the physical and optical laws behind photographic image production, with practical exercises designed to explore the problems and benefits connected to these facts. The course also explores; in theory and through practical exercises the fundamental rules regarding composition of visual elements and the communicative effects of photographic images. In addition the course provides lectures in the history of photography and photo journalism, as well as basic ethics and law concerning the topic.Teaching is offered in the form of lectures, individual exercises and plenum discussions around submitted studentmade images and images produced by professional photographers; based on given criteria as found in literature on visual communication.Some lectures may take place at evening time and/or during weekends.

Vilkår for å framstille seg til eksamen

Each student must submit a portfolio that is to include 19 individually performed exercises; each exercise designed to explore specific challenges related to the trade of professional news photography. The total amount of images needed for a complete portfolio is about 30. The portfolio must be submitted and accepted prior to each student’s individual examination.



Evaluering og kvalitetssikring

The course will be evaluated in accordance with the University College’s routines for quality assurance. (

Emnet inngår i følgande studieprogram
Assessment FormGroupingDurationGrading scaleProportionCommentSupport MaterialsScope
Munnleg eksamen
A-F, der A er best og E er siste ståkarakter
Each student is subject to individual oral examination on practical and theoretical issues covered by the course. The student’s assessment of the technical and communicative values of his or her own portfolio will be part of the examination, as well as questions regarding general photographic techniques, digital image handling and storage, the history of photography and photo journalism, ethics and law regarding ownership and use of photographic images.