Study Norwegian Food Culture

New study offer! Through this one-semester course you will acquire knowledge of how the food culture has developed from prehistoric times up until today.


Tekst: Diam esse humo illum mos quadrum turpis validus Distineo ibidem jugis molior probo. Blandit elit immitto obruo occuro sit utrum voco., Foto: Karl August Swanstrøm

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Through this one-semester course you will acquire knowledge of how the food culture has developed from prehistoric times up until today, you will acquire practical skills in preparing traditional Norwegian food, and link all this to your studies or profession in a meaningful manner.

Course information

Norwegian Food Culture is a practical and theoretical course that can be fitted in with most study programmes.
Through this course you will acquire practical skills in preparing traditional Norwegian food as well as knowledge of how the food culture has developed from prehistoric times up until today.
Communication of food cultural topics through procedural knowledge and digital media plays a central role in the course, and you will be given the freedom to align the course to fit in with your other studies.
As such, the course is designed to function well together with other programmes and profession, be it journalism, outdoor living, social sciences and humanities, health and welfare studies, educational studies and so forth.

Varied teaching

Teaching methods in this course take the form of literature colloquia, practical kitchen sessions, outdoor sessions, group and individual work, written assignments, outreach task at the local heritage museum, and a project assignment aligned to your profession or study programme.

Practical information

Duration: August – December 2023
Credit load: 15 ECTS
Monthly full-day practical sessions, total of six sessions, partly together with local students following Food Culture studies (compulsory attendance)
Lectures and teacher-led colloquia related to theory content, practical and theoretical individual assignments, individual semester-long project on topic aligned to students' own choice.


General questions:
[email protected]

Course-specific questions:

Kari Ryslett, Associate professor

[email protected]

Erik Cyrus Fooladi, Associate professor

[email protected]

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