What should we use the money for? Parliament asks students

100,000 kr was given by Sparebanken Møre last fall to the students to boost the voluntary work after the pandemic. But how should the money be used? Parliament is asking the students to come up with proposals.

Banksjef Hege Karete Hamre ved Sparebanken Møre, avd. Volda og Studentparlamentsleiar Trond-Fredrik Hoddevik

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100,000 kr was given by Sparebanken Møre last fall to the students to boost the voluntary work after the pandemic. But how should the money be used? Parliament is asking the students to come up with proposals.

During the Kaarstad jubilee in November, the Student Parliament received the generous check from bank manager Hege Karete Hamre at Sparebanken Møre Volda. The money was given as a desire to benefit student volunteering, as several student clubs and organizations have struggled with recruitment in the aftermath of the pandemic.

The Student Parliament wants to ensure that the money is used in a way that is best for the most students. Therefore, they have decided to conduct a broad process where both parliament members, student organizations, elected representatives, and ordinary students have the opportunity to provide input on how the money should be used.

The board of student organizations and/or elected representatives is encouraged to share the link to the online form with their members and to provide their own input.

The link to the online form can be found here: https://nettskjema.no/a/302680

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