The search for new rectorate is on!

- We hope to see a lot of qualified individuals! Says the search committee members, who are seeking candidates for the position of rector at Volda University College (HVO). Do you know of someone who could carry on Johann Roppen's legacy, or perhaps you yourself have something to contribute?

Ledig stilling som rektor

Tekst: Diam esse humo illum mos quadrum turpis validus Distineo ibidem jugis molior probo. Blandit elit immitto obruo occuro sit utrum voco., Foto: Karl August Swanstrøm

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– We hope to see a lot of qualified individuals! Says the search committee members, who are seeking candidates for the position of rector at Volda University College (HVO). Do you know of someone who could carry on Johann Roppen's legacy, or perhaps you yourself have something to contribute?

The structure with an elected rector/vice rector and an appointed university college director was settled upon by the university college board in June. Now that Johann Roppen has held the position for two terms and is ineligible for reelection, a search committee has been formed to identify a new rectorship for the university college.

Trond Fredrik Hagemann Hoddevik, Silje Klepp, Erling Sivertsen, Ellen Strøm Synnevåg, Bøjrnar Sæterås, Wenche Torrisen, and Wenche Kjerstad (external representative) make up the search committee.

Anyone can become a rector

Rector candidates can come from the academic staff, administrative staff, students, or even come from completely outside of HVO.

The university college board issues the rector with his or her directive, and he or she also serves as board chairman. According to the guidelines and directives that the university college's board has established, rector is the supreme leader of the academic activities at the university. The rector-elect must be able to articulate academic principles and ideals and establish specific objectives for the university college's academic development.

The director of the university college, who is ultimately in charge of all administrative matters, financial management, and personnel responsibilities, collaborates closely with the rector. The secretary of the board is the university college director.

In total, the rectorate is in charge of the academic work at HVO.

Here you can read about the university's strategy and plans (Norwegian)

The election process

Nomination - who can nominate?

The nomination period is from October 3 to October 26. A suggestion for a candidate for the position of rector may be made by anyone who is eligible to vote. This will actually refer to HVO students and employees, and you can check the registration at Student Service desk to make sure you have the right to vote or be nominated. A nomination for the position of rector must be signed by a minimum of five people who have voting rights. A suggestion for a candidate for the rector's election can include up to seven signatures. One proposal can only be signed by one person. Only one candidate's name may appear on a proposal.

Who can be nominated?

Both employees at Volda University College and external candidates can be elected as rector. According to the Universities and Colleges Act §10-2 point 1, remember that:

  • Internal candidates (employees at HVO) must be asked in advance, but do not need to give their consent to nomination. 
  • External candidates (not employed by HVO) must be asked in advance, and must give their consent. Written consent from the person concerned must be attached to the nomination.

How to nominate?

Fill in and sign the attached  nomination  form together with at least four other people and send it as an attachment to  [email protected]  no later than 26 October. 

You can find the schedule of the election process here (Norwegian)

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