Get involved in student life!

In Volda, what can you do in your free time? The range and diversity of student teams and organisations at Volda University College is impressive. Here, you can participate in a number of enjoyable activities and have access to a setting that will be beneficial to you both now during your studies and in the future.

Ammy Bolme ved Studentparlamentet

Tekst: Diam esse humo illum mos quadrum turpis validus Distineo ibidem jugis molior probo. Blandit elit immitto obruo occuro sit utrum voco., Foto: Karl August Swanstrøm

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In Volda, what can you do in your free time? The range and diversity of student teams and organisations at Volda University College is impressive. Here, you can participate in a number of enjoyable activities and have access to a setting that will be beneficial to you both now during your studies and in the future.

More than 30 student teams, clubs and festivals can be found at Volda, and they always welcome new members. Many of these might be found at the organisation square (orgtorg) in the Berte Kanutte House. Did you miss it yesterday? It does not matter. You can see them again on forthcoming Tuesday. They will also introduce themselves on the stage in the canteen area, during lunchtime.

Organisasjonstorg - Animation Volda

– Make further use of your study time

Stian Woo Andersson, the recipient of the Student Prize this year, also serves as president of Volda Student Sports Association (VSI). He thinks that the organisation square should be visited by as many freshers as feasible.

– This is a fantastic chance for you to build relationships outside of the classroom, which will undoubtedly supplement and enchance your study time, he says, adding;

– At VSI, we offer football, handball, volleyball and floorball, as well as basketball, badminton, and table tennis, as well as training and strenght rooms. Every weekday, we have training sessions, which are a great way to socialise and get to know other students. A membership costs just under NOK 300 per semester, which we believe is a reasonable price to keep you active during your studies.

Organisasjonstorg - SiVolda

There are numerous opportunities for a fun study period

There are friendly people at the various stands on the organisation squares who want to talk to you and present their organisations. You will also be able to pick up free supplies and useful materials at several of them.

Everyone can get involved in student politics, festivals, student associations, unions, non-profit student groups, and interst organisations. You can also help Pangaia with internationalisation. Or how about joining a college choir or a symphony orchestra? There are numerous possibilities.

Check the pink booklet from the buddy bag

Marit Aklestad is the Student Parliament organisation consultant who helps organise the organisation square at the start of each semester. She gives the freshers the following advice:

– We included a pink booklet in the buddy bag with a brief description of everything you can get involved in and how to get started. You should look into it! The information in the booklet is in Norwegian, but you can check out the different QR codes which will lead you to the organisations web sites, and some of them also has information for international students. We will also update the websites with the same information soon, she promises.

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