Removing the «Corona meter» in the classrooms

Norwegian government has dismissed the requirement to keep one meter distance in an educational setting. As soon as it is practically possible to carry it out, the rooms at Volda University College (VUC) will be refurnished and digital lessons changed to in-classroom teaching agian.

Tekst: Diam esse humo illum mos quadrum turpis validus Distineo ibidem jugis molior probo. Blandit elit immitto obruo occuro sit utrum voco.

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Norwegian government has dismissed the requirement to keep one meter distance in an educational setting. As soon as it is practically possible to carry it out, the rooms at Volda University College (VUC) will be refurnished and digital lessons changed to in-classroom teaching agian. 

New, national guidelines for Covid-19 will apply at Volda University College, the crisis management at VUC decided Monday. In a press confernecne by the Norwegian government Friday the 13th of August, they announced a postponement of removing all covid regulations – but they still gave some exeptions. Minister of Health Bent Høie came up with what he calls "good news for students", and removed the distance requirement in teaching.

- Remember: The distance requirement applies outside the classroom!

- An important clarification is that the meter requirement still applies as long as we are not in a teaching context, emphasizes Rector Johann Roppen. - For Buddy week, in the canteen or in a private context, the meter requirement still applies, he reminds.
Otherwise, teaching at Volda University College will go back to what was normal before the Covid-19 restrictions in 2020. 

- We need some time to go back to normal, and ask for your patience going there. There might be changes at short notice. In consultation with the departments, we will refurnish and remove markings in the teaching room, as well as get the new timetable to go up with physical teaching. We ask everyone to follow Canvas extra closely in the future, says the principal.


Project leader Jostein Sporstøyl in the process of removing posters with outdated information about keeping extra distance from classrooms.
He also want to remind the students that a test stadion for Covid-19-tests will be set up on the university campus area the first week of the academic year.

- We are happy to return to a normal teaching setting, and the positive effects this will have on learning and the student life, says Rector Roppen. At the same time, we must take good care of this opportunity, and be extra careful. We will of course follow all infection control measures outside the classromms. We encourage students to test themselves, wash their hands, and of course keep your distance as soon as you are done with lectures, says Rector Roppen.

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