Does Norwegian law adequately protect against dating violence?
Norway has committed to criminalizing intimate partner violence and has a specific provision on domestic abuse. But does Norway in fact criminalize dating violence?
As one of several measures in the fight against partner violence, Norway has pledged to adhere to the Istanbul Convention. This convention obliges Norway to combat and prevent violence against women and domestic violence, including through criminalization.
In Norwegian law, there is a specific provision on domestic abuse. However, does Norway in fact fulfil the obligation to criminalize abuse of boyfriends and girlfriends, or does this relationship group fall outside the Norwegian provision? And what are the consequences if that is the case?
Researcher Ingrid Løining Ørum (The Norwegian Police University College / The University of Oslo) explores this topic in a new research article, “What about dating violence? Does Norway fulfil its obligation under the Istanbul Convention to criminalize dating abuse?” in the journal Tidsskrift for strafferett (in Norwegian only).
Ørum wrote the article as a part of the MANREPORT-IPV research project.