Animation Anniversary opened with Masterclass

Tekst: Webmaster Volda

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- Each articulated sound has sometimes got three different mouth-shapes, describes Dave Osmand from Aardman Animations in England, to the Masterclass that opened the Animation Anniversary in Volda.
Students, animation colleagues and visitors attended a practical lecture on animation. They got the chance to learn about Dave Osmand’s experiences from famous productions like Chichen Run, Wallace & Gromit, Angry Kid, and Rex the Runt, and others.

- A handful of expressions can’t cover all sounds; several face-expressions are needed to give vitality to a character, continues Dave.
He has developed animation-techniques that give a special vitality to his characters, and have received several awards for his work.

- I am happy to visit Volda, it is nice, says Dave in a comment. I haven’t been here that long yet, but although the program is tight, I will try to see as much as possible through out the weekend.
- I heard rumours about a party on Friday – 19.00 till late… - You see, I was hoping on a party, he says with a laugh, as students gather around him to get more of his animation-advice.

The Animation Anniversary continues throughout this weekend. Have a look at the program.

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