Forskingsgruppe for medieutvikling


Ein kompleks, kontekstuell og situert mediekvardag aktualiserar eit forskingsfokus på mediumeigenskapar sin funksjon og tyding for ulike grupper menneske på ulike stader til ulike tider. Vi ringer ikkje lenger til ein telefon i ein heim, vi ringer ein person som befinn seg på ein bestemt stad. Nyheiter er ikkje berre noko vi les, men som vert lest på ei valgt plattform og vert forstått på ein bestemt stad. Dette påverkar kommunikasjonen vår.

Eit forskingsfokus på mediumeigenskapar inneber også eigenskapar som ikkje er etablerte eller finst frå før. Konstruksjon og design av eigne medietekstar, brukargrensesnitt, prosedyrer, system og andre element for mediert kommunikasjon og ei utforsking av dette, vert omfatta av ei slik forskingstilnærming. Ny og billigare teknologi gjer slike konstruksjonar av mediumeigenskapar lettare, og ein er ikkje lenger avhengig av store kommersielle aktørar for å utforske dette. I beste fall vil ei slik tilnærming kunne bidra til å designe faktiske alternativ og stille spørsmål ved etablerte medier og deira kommunikative eigenskapar.

Dei siste 15 åra har ein sett fleire eksempel på medieforskarar som «lagar ting», og begrepet mediedesign freistar å beskrive denne forskarpraksisen som baserer seg på slike tilnærmingar gjennom kreativ bearbeiding av mediumeigenskapar. Korleis media kunne ha sett ut er eit spørsmål som ofte ikkje vert stilt. Vi meiner det er ein del av medieforskarane si oppgåve og ansvar å utforske dei kommunikative potensiala ved nye samanstillingar av mediumeigenskapar og nye former for medieinnhald.

Forskingsinteressa til gruppa har eksistert i fleire år, men har vore organisert og fungert som ei forskingsgruppe ved HVO sidan februar 2015.


Tilby eit kollegialt forum for medie- og kommunikasjonsforskarar. Bygge og utvikle eit miljø for forsking, kompetanseheving, rekruttering og samarbeid med næringsliv og andre forskningsinstitusjonar og enkeltforskarar innanfor samme forskningstilnærming. Bidra til utvikling av forskingsfeltet gjennom publikasjonar og konferansebidrag. Utvikle felles prosjektsøknader.

Tilsette ved HVO eller andre institusjonar som er interessert i å vere med i forskingsgruppa, eventuelt som ekstern samarbeidspartnar, kan ta kontakt med gruppeleiar Kjetil Vaage Øie på  epost [email protected].



Research group:

Media development: Experiences, Practices, and Forms

This research group focuses on the development of media- and technology related issues. The group want to be an arena for exploration, discussions, solutions, and development of emerging technologies within media and communication studies, but also humanistic and social studies at large. Emerging technologies will have a societal impact on cultural and social practices in the future. Therefore, there is a need for a more technology-related understanding on history, culture, design, aesthetics, and ethical dimensions for understanding future needs and possibilities.

         The rapid development within media and technology raises both challenges and possibilities. A challenge is the rapid development and ever-changing practices, content, and norms – making this a moving target for research. A possibility lays within cheaper technology and infrastructure allowing individuals to design actual alternative solutions, also outside the commercial and big-tech companies. The research group believes critical media and communication studies have an important part in developing future solutions and welcome such initiatives.

         This research interest has existed for many years but have been organized as a research group since 2015. Our mandate and vision are to bring shared interests together, both experienced and less experienced researchers, PhD candidates, and master graduates. We want to develop a culture for research, build competence, and create collaborations. We are connected to the interdisciplinary Future Lab at Volda University College to strengthen collaborations and mutual interests across the other research groups. We have a close collaboration with UH-Nett Vest, TekLab ( network for research, education and innovation in media and communication) and the research group MAD (Media, Art and Design) at IT-University Copenhagen.


  • Kjetil Vaage Øie (leader)
  • Ivar John Erdal
  • Thomas Lewe
  • Isak Andersen Okkenhaug
  • Rebecca Nedregotten Strand (PhD candidate)
  • Ingeborg Hedda Paulsen (PhD candidate)
  • Amir Bashti Monfared (PhD candidate)
  • Kishore Gajendra (PhD candidate)
  • Jon Harman
  • Dag Roland
  • Kate Kartveit
  • Silje Birknes
  • Steinar Høydal
  • Viacheslav Glukov (Former master student)
  • Oyaro Laban Lekishon (Master student)
  • Johann Roppen
  • Erling Sivertsen
  • Jens Standal Groven
  • Eirik Solheim
  • Linda Halse Digernes
  • Berete Brenne
  • Hild Nordal


 Recent projects:

Innovation Pedagogy for Media Education (2021-2023)

The project was founded with 5.000.000 NOK from the Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills and led by Prof. Lars Nyre, University of Bergen. Innovation pedagogy is an approach to student active learning and depart from the assumption that innovation competence will be of high importance for future media workers. The project is aiming to create meeting points and collaborations between students, the industry, and pedagogical staff. In addition, the project explores didactical methods to implement this learning outcome within media educations.

TekLab Bedrift (2022-2024)

The project was founded with 5.000.000 NOK from the Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills and led by Prof. Lars Nyre, University of Bergen. The project is described as a value-oriented exploration of emerging technologies in collaboration with industry partners to increase the relevance of media and communication education in the labour market. Rather than solely imitating the industry, the project is set out to explore forms of learning where the premises for vocational relevance are continuous open for negotiations. Smith (2016) have labeled this as “responsive pedagogics” emphasizing the continuous dialogue between students and external partners. Through such learning facilitating we want to exploit the student potential for contributing with development competence and critical insights related to emerging technologies.



UH-nett Vest

TekLab/Lars Nyre

Forskningsgruppe MAD (Media, Art and Design) IT-University of Copenhagen/Anders Sundnes Løvlie 

Universitetet i Oslo/Gunnar Liestøl

Universitetet i Bergen/Lars Nyre

OsloMet /Aina Landsverk Hagen

Høgskolen i Kristiania/Jens Barland


Aktuelle publikasjonar frå forskingsgruppa

Bashti Monfared, A. (2025). Norway’s social impact documentary sector: evolving amidst global documentary transformations. Studies in Documentary Film, 1–16. 

Øie, Kjetil Vaage; Jensen, Fredrik H. (2025). Undervisning uten eksperter. Didaktiske dilemmaer i medieundervisning gjennom fremvoksende teknologier. Norsk Medietidsskrift. Volum 31.(2-3) s. 1-17.

Hillestad, Irene; Harman, Jon; Øie, Kjetil Vaage; Erdal, Ivar John. (2024). Rekruttering i norske produksjonsselskap. I: På innsiden: Perspektiver på de norske film- TV- og spillbransjene. Fagbokforlaget 2024 ISBN 978-82-450-4349-5. s. 224-256.

Øie, Kjetil Vaage; Erdal, Ivar John; Helleland, Charlotte Loxley; Utne, Tormod. (2024). How should journalism education deal with evolving newsrooms? – Learning experiences from internships through online collaborative tools. Media Practice and Education, 1–15.

Bashti Monfared, Amir. (2024) Northern Impacts: Norway’s Documentary Industry and Transnational Production Models. Media Industries Conference , King`s College. London

Øie, Kjetil Vaage; Krumsvik, Arne H. (2024). Evolving Metrics for Personalizing News: An Equilibrium between Better Content and Intrusiveness. 7 4 t h A n n u a l I C A C o n f e r e n c e; 2024-06-20 - 2024-06-24

Harman, Jon; Lewe, Thomas; Sikkes, Theo; Wszolek, Mariusz. (2024). Escape Room Pedagogy and its Relevance to Education for Creative Professions. 18th International Conference on Design Principles & Practices: Cultures of Transformative Design

Utne, T. (2023). Teaching immersive journalism production, in Insights on Immersive Journalism. Edited by Ana Luisa Sánchez Laws. Routledge. ISBN 9781032107721

Harman, Jon. (2023). Escape Rooom Pedagogy. Serious Games - SWPS 2nd Year Workshop

Bashti Monfared, Amir. (2023). Norway’s Film Financing Schemes and their Potential Influences on Social Issue Documentary Films. LSE Media Futures Conference 2023 The Department of Media and Communications 20th Anniversary. London

Lewe, Thomas; Wszolek, Mariusz. (2023). Visual Perspectives in Holocaust Memory Culture: Transition of Lived to Imagined Memory. The International Journal of Design Education 2023 ;Volum 17.(2) s. 95-114.

Bashti Monfared, Amir. (2023). Norway’s Social Impact Documentary Culture in the Global Context of Documentary Hybridization. Visible Evidence XXIX. Udine, Italy

A Silva-Rodríquez & Øie, K.V. (2022). The role of mobile media in journalism education, in Emerging Practices in the Age of Automated Digital Journalism. Edited by Berta García-Orosa, Sara Pérez-Seijo & Angel Vizoso. Routledge. ISBN 9781032128511.

Larrondo, U; Diaz N; Erdal, IJ. (2022). Convergence and Innovation: The Conceptual and Methodological Basis of Technological Evolution and Cultural Complexity in Journalism. I: Total Journalism. Models, Techniques, Challenges. Springer 2022 ISBN 9783030880279. s. 13-28

Halvorsen, L. J., Stokken, R., Rogne, W. M., & Erdal, I. J. (2020). Digital samhandling: Universitetsforlaget.

Sánchez Laws AL, Utne T. Ethics Guidelines for Immersive Journalism. Frontiers in Robotics and AI. 2019; 6:28.

Øie, K. V. (2019). Nyheter, til deg, der du er-Utvikling av lokativ journalistikk for mobile enheter–et pragmatisk perspektiv. Phd thesis NTNU. 

Erdal, I. J., Vaage Øie, K., Oppegaard, B., & Westlund, O. (2019). Invisible Locative Media: Key Considerations at the Nexus of Place and Digital Journalism. Media and Communication7(1), 166-178.

Erdal, I. J. (2019). Convergence in/of Journalism. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication.

Erdal, I. J. (2019). Education as innovation. Media Management and Digital Transformation. In Bygdås, A. L., Clegg, S., & Hagen, A. L. (Eds.). (2019). Media management and Digital transformation. Routledge.

Lewe, T (2018) Perspectives in Design Expressions of jewish Polish emigrants during the Cold War. Cost Action NEP4 dissent - Berlin.

Øie, K.V & Lewe, T. (2018) Creative communication design: Communicating Holocaust to younger generations. Cumulus Conference Proceedings Series. ISBN: 9782956544005.