VUC launches AI-Chat

Tekst: Vilde Moltudal Igland

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Volda University College (VUC) is investing in artificial intelligence (AI) and has entered into an agreement with SIKT for AI chat for employees and students.

The new AI chat is based on OpenAI’s GPT models, which are similar to those used in ChatGPT. We have access to both GPT 3.5 and GPT4, which are the latest models from OpenAI, says Sindre Slettedal Sandbakk at Læringsverkstaden.

The service is safe to use with regard to privacy, as all communication is anonymized. It is important that one never enters personal information in conversations with the chatbot. The service is approved for up to yellow data. All employees and students can log in to the service by going to (or and using Feide login.

SIKT is a service provider for technology and digitalization in the knowledge sector. Read more

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