Studentsamskipnaden i Volda - who are they and what can they do for you?
Studentsamskipnaden i Volda - or SiVolda, is a service and welfare organization for all students in Volda.
SiVolda offer good housing services, health, food, counselling, social measures, student house, training and leisure activities. SiVolda works continously to ensure that your time as a student in Volda is as safe, predictable and good as possible!
Housing - close to everything
Moving to a new town also means that you need a new place to live! The first meeting with SiVolda is usually in the months before you arrive, as they are the ones who allocate student housing. As a student at Volda University College, you have the right to housing with SiVolda, and they offer dormitories, apartments, family apartments and apartments adapted for those with reduced mobility. Both for individual students, couples and families with children. Housing is allocated continuously and there is no application deadline.
Flexible arrangements
It is a good idea to apply for housing as early as possible, and should it turn out that you want to change to another housing with SiVolda after you have moved in, you can move internally to a vacant housing without any notice period. SiVolda's student residences are close to both the campus and the city centre, you don't pay a deposit, electricity is included, internet is free - you even get caretaker services included in the rent!
Health services
When your studies are well under way, it may well be that you become homesick or that you feel that you cannot quite settle in. Then it might be good to know that SiVolda has both a student counsellor and psychological healthcare and other health services available to you and your fellow students. Among other things, you can contact a nurse and use the health centre for free. If you have large costs linked to your health, for example dental treatment or chiropractic visits, you can apply for benefits through the health fund. You can also get your deductible reimbursed by consulting a doctor or psychologist through SiVolda's health fund.
The student house - not only for students
Studenthuset Rokken is owned and run by SiVolda and has both a stage and a cafe. Rokken Cafè is a very cozy meeting place for both students, locals and tourists. The newly renovated venue boasts a varied street food menu and good coffee.
Rokken - become a student volunteer!
Many great artists have been at Rokken, and more are coming this autumn! Rokken cannot exist without student volunteers, and SiVolda encourages you to sign up for bar, crew, guard, PR, or any of the other tasks needed to fill the students' own house with activities. Working at Rokken is great for those of you who want to get to know others outside of your studies! Perhaps you will get close contact with an artist celebrity? In any case, you get free concert tickets!
Close cooperation
The fact that Volda University College (VUC) and Studentsamskipnaden i Volda are closely linked to each other is something you can see a lot on a daily basis. The cafeteria, for example, is run by SiVolda, but has its premises at VUC. Another example is the counsellor service. If you need someone to talk to, you can contact SiVolda's student counsellor, or you can have a conversation with VUC's student chaplain or the student humanist. These three work closely together and can help in all phases of the study period.