More student love in 2020

Tekst: Line Lauvsnes Oddekalv

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- Pliz do this again! That was among the feedback from the students after a week with «First aid» during the exam period. Others gave the arrangement A+. The organizers promises more student love at VUC in 2020! 

The afternoon activity at campus was noticably higher than normal before Christmas. The library reported a peak in visitors, and the lines to the cafeteria was long. The reason was the «First aid week» for the exam period, arranged by the welfare group at Volda College University. The arrangements included writing classes, drop-in conversations with counselors, free food, memo class, yoga and short hikes near by the campus. 


Came for free food – did the homework

A survey amongst the students gave the new arrangement a ton of thumbs up. - Super nice! Came for free food, but then actually did my homework, one of the participants wrote afterwards. 
- It was simply great to read the feedback from the students, says library manager Mona Iren Auganæs, one of the organizers of the «First aid week» - the welfare group. She highlights the importance of this actually being useful and providing different kind of help and support the students need during such a period. 
- We’ll do more like this in 2020, she promises. 
- In Volda, we’ll take extra good care of our students! 



Student welfare and caring about eachother

The welfare group is founded by the «LMU/Læringsmiljøutval» (learning environment group) at VUC. It is a cooperation between the SiVolda, the library, the student humanist, councelors the cafeteria, the management and the communication department. 
Earlier this semester, they were in charge of the Mental Health Month, in addition to a «care tour» presenting the different welfare offers at VUC for the new students. 
The group will continue its work in 2020, and promises both new and excisting arrangements to take care of the students both on and off campus. 
- I am so happy for and proud of all the different offers we have to make sure the students have a safe and happy time at Volda University College, says Eli Anne Løksa, councelor at SiVolda. 
That’s probably the best part of her job being a part of the student enviroment in Volda, she says. 
- In Volda we take care of each other! 


More feedback from the student survey

- A great arrangement during busy days! Social and including with the evening food. 
- Great offer! A «cheer up» and motivation for going to campus. 
- Good and exciting offers. More yoga, please. 
- More food! 
- I think it is a nice initiative to help students during this stressful time. 
- It was helpful to force myself to work on essay and stay happy through free food, thanks a lot! 

Thanks to all students participating, and also taking the time to answer the survey! We’ll use the feedback to improve the offer to the next «First aid week». 


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