Exams become digital

Tekst: Per Straume

- Oppdatert

All exams that require physical attendance, such as written school exams and oral exams, will be changed to alternative digital exams.

The Crisis Management Team at Volda University College took the decision on 16th of March. As a consequence, all teaching will also be given digitally for the rest of the semester.

This can also result in an adjustment of the time of the exam. An overview of these alternative exam forms and possible adjustments of time will be in place 24th of March.

Do you need someone to talk to?

Student counselor and the psychology health service continue their service through conversations. This will be done by telephone, e-mail and Skype from now on.

  • Student counselor, Eli Anne Løksa, is available Monday through Friday 8am - 3.30pm. Take contact on mobile phone: 992 37 980 or email: [email protected].
  • Psychologist. For those who already have a conversation with a psychologist, contact your psychologist to clarify how the conversations should be further organized. The psychologist service is coordinated by psychology specialist Vidar Myklebust. If you need help or information about the service, contact him on mobile phone: 996 36 923 or e-mail: [email protected].

Other contact phones, which are not organized by the Student Union, are:

  • Student Ombud, Kjersti Brevik Møller, mobile phone: 458 47 150.
  • Student Priest, Kristian Myklebust mobile phone: 905 95 410 / Ingrid Finsådal mobile phone: 910 08 109
  • Student Humanist, Lone Ellingsvåg Knutsen, mobile phone: 992 95 480

The call centre at Volda University College will be open between 09.00 - 15.45 in the period 17.-26.03 2020, phone: 70 07 50 00. International exchange students can keep in contact with Pangaia by email, Facebook, Instagram.

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