The Coronavirus: Status and Advice for Students and Staff
LAST CHANGES: March 25: Norwegian Government has extended the closing of schools until April 13th.
On 19th. of March, the Board of Volda University College passed new, temporary regulations on studies and examinations prompted by the situation with the Corona virus. These regulations safeguard students’ rights in relation to the current situation, and also give the academic staff the possibility to adjust teaching and examination form.
Volda University College has decided that all exams that require physical attendance on campus (for example oral exams, written school exams) will be changed to alternative digital solutions. As a result, all teaching will also be offered digitally, for the remainder of the spring semester. Given these changes, note that your final exam date might be changed. An overview of the alternative exam types and exam dates will be published on 30th March!
VUC advises all its students abroad to either return home or possibly face having to stay abroad until the Covid-19 pandemic is over. Read more under Travels and quarantine, below.
Information about class attendance, absence and exams
- The Board of Volda University College passed new, temporary regulations on studies and examinations prompted by the situation with the Corona virus. These regulations safeguard students’ rights in relation to the current situation, and also give the academic staff the possibility to adjust teaching and examination form.
- Volda University College has decided today, 16th March, that all exams that require physical attendance on campus (for example oral exams, written school exams) will be changed to alternative digital solutions. As a result, all teaching will also be offered digitally, for the remainder of the spring semester. Given these changes, note that your final exam date might be changed. An overview of the alternative exam types and exam dates will be published on 30th March!
- All employees have home office in the coming period, with the exception of those employees in critical positions for the functioning of the institution.
- Norwegian national authorities decided that all education units in the country, including universities, are closed as of 12th March, from 18:00 o'clock. This means that students students do not have access to campus.
- Students can come on campus until 16:00 o'clock today, 13th March, to take their belongings and other things they might need. Access cards will not work anymore after this hour!
- All campus teaching is cancelled from 12th March on. Campus classes will be replaced by alternative teaching methods as soon as possible!
- Check Canvas and emails for rolling updates!
- All exams will take place as planned and are obligatory.
- Students will be allowed to sit for the exam even if they have too little attendance, provided that all obligatory work requirements, practice or other obligatory requirements in the course are approved.
Travels and quarantine
- VUC advises all its students abroad to either return home or possibly face having to stay abroad until the Covid-19 pandemic is over. On 14th March, the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affair (UD) asked all Norwegian nationals that are currently abroad, to consider returning. VUC considers that its students on exchange fall into this category and advises its students to return to Norway. VUC cannot oblige the students abroad to return, but underlines the importance of UD's recommendations. VUC students currently abroad should consider all the risks of delaying a return to Norway. Borders are closing across the Globe, flights are being cancelled etc. and VUC therefore asks its students not to delay taking a decision.
- All business travels are cancelled for the coming period. See travel advice from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (only in Norwegian).
- VUC advises all its students abroad to consider returning home.
- We encourage anyone traveling abroad to register on the Foreign Ministry's portal
- Students returning from abroad must go straight into quarantine and consider whether they want to come to Volda or travel home
- Students who are currently on exchange or are going on exchange/practice abroad, can contact the International Office for information.
- Information about placement will be shared by the faculties
- Everyone who has entered Norway since 27th February on must stay home for 14 days, regardless of whether they have symptoms.
- If you are not sure whether you must stay home, check updated information here:
Measures that have been taken at Volda University College
Even if the campus buildings are closed, you can still contact us through digital channels.
- Contact the Student Service Office at [email protected] or by telephone at +47 7007 5018
- The International Office is available by email [email protected]
- The library is available through digital channels or by email at [email protected]
- All buildings are closed from 12th March on
- Arrangements and event at VUC are cancelled until Easter holiday, or until new announcements are made
- Cleaning of the campus buildings has been intensified
- Posters have been put up with information about hygiene
- Hand-dispensers for cleaning hands are located around the campus
- Door handles, buttons, entry-code devices, railings and toilets are being cleaned frequently
What should you do
It is important that you keep yourself updated on the situation and follow general general hygiene advice
- Follow standard hygiene procedures
- Cough or sneeze in paper towels (which you should bin immediately after use) or in the crook of your arm
- Wash your hands frequently
- If you feel unwell, or you think you might have been exposed to the coronavirus, do not hesitate to call the health services on 116117. For medical emergencies call 113. Check also information about the coronavirus on Sikresiden
- (“On the safe side”: a web app for emergency situations developed by Norwegian universities) has been updated with specific information on the corona virus under the new tab “Ny hverdag”, located under the headline “Preventive”.
- If you are not sure whether you must stay home, check updated information here:
Do you need someone to talk to?
Student counselor and the psychology health service continue their service through conversations. This will be done by telephone, e-mail and Skype from now on.
- Student counselor, Eli Anne Løksa, is available Monday through Friday 8am - 3.30pm. Take contact on mobile phone: 992 37 980 or email: [email protected].
- Psychologist. For those who already have a conversation with a psychologist, contact your psychologist to clarify how the conversations should be further organized. The psychologist service is coordinated by psychology specialist Vidar Myklebust. If you need help or information about the service, contact him on mobile phone: 996 36 923 or e-mail: [email protected].
Other contact phones, which are not organized by the Student Union, are:
- Student Ombud, Kjersti Brevik Møller, mobile phone: 458 47 150.
- Student Priest, Kristian Myklebust mobile phone: 905 95 410 / Ingrid Finsådal mobile phone: 910 08 109
- Student Humanist, Lone Ellingsvåg Knutsen, mobile phone: 992 95 480
The call centre at Volda University College will be open between 09.00 - 15.45 in the period 17.-26.03 2020, phone: 70 07 50 00. International exchange students can keep in contact with Pangaia by email, Facebook, Instagram.
Keep yourself informed
- Information about the spread of the virus in Norway, travel advice and other relevant information, are available on the website of the state-run National Institute of Public Health (Folkehelseinstituttet)
- If you have additional questions, you can call the official information phone: +47 815 55 015
- You can find more information about the State Educational Loan Fund (Lånekassen) here: